Second installment video by Larry Shapiro of the 5-Alarm fire in Kildeer, 7-30-22 highlighting the extensive water supply operation and tanker shuttle
Aug 1
Posted by Admin in Fire Scene video | Comments off
Second installment video by Larry Shapiro of the 5-Alarm fire in Kildeer, 7-30-22 highlighting the extensive water supply operation and tanker shuttle
Tags: #EONEStrength, #larryshapiro, 5-alarm house fire in Kildeer IL, Barrington FD Quint 46, Buffalo Grove FD Quint 27,,, EONE, fire scene video, house fire in Kildeer, Lake Bluff Fire Department,, Long Grove Fire District,, tanker shuttle at fire scene, video showing firefighters shuttle water to fire scene
May 4
Posted by Admin in Fire Scene video | Comments off
video from Larry Shapiro of the 2-Alarm fire in Barrington Hills, 5-3-18
Tags: #larryshapiro, 2-Alarm fire in Barrington Hills, Antioch FD Tanker 2163, Barrington & Countryside Fire Protection District, Bartlet FPD Tender 2, Carpentersville FPD Engine 92, Countryside FPD Tanker 411, Crystal Lake Fire Rescue Tender 371, East Dundee FPD Tender 41, Elk Grove Township FPD Tanker 11, fire engine drafting from portable tank, fire scene video, fire tender shuttle, Lake Villa FPD Tanker 241, Lake Villa FPD Tender 241, large house destroyed by fire in Barrington Hills, Larry Shapiro, Long Grove FPD Tanker 56, McHenry Township FPD Tender 1274, Nunda Rural FPD Tender 71, Prospect Heights FPD Tanker 9, Round Lake FPD Tanker 2661,, tanker shuttle at fire scene, video of rural firefighting tanker operations, video showing firefighters shuttle water to fire scene, Woodstock Fire Rescue Tanker 72
Jun 2
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Scene photos, Fire Scene video | Comments off
The Lincolnshire-Riverwoods FPD (LRFPD) was called to 24341 Elm Road early Friday morning (6/2/17) for the report of an ATV on fire. A followup call apparently notified dispatchers that the fire had spread to the attached garage. Lake Forest Engine 422 arrived first and advised that they had a fully-involved garage fire. LRFPD Engine 52, Squad 51, and Battalion 51 arrived right behind the first engine and all three suppression units exhausted their tank water on the initial attack. Countryside Engine 411 arrived with the Lincolnshire units and supplied their tank water inline as well. The home is located in an unincorporated area of Lake Forest without hydrants.
On arrival, Battalion 51 upgraded the alarm to a Code 4 for the working fire and simultaneously a MABAS Box Alarm was struck which would bring several water tankers in addition to supplemental fire suppression companies. Portable tanks were dropped from Long Grove and Countryside tankers, While Long Grove drafted from the portable tanks supplying the engines at the scene, tankers from Countryside, Wauconda, Grayslake, and the Palatine Rural FPD shuttled water to the scene from a hydrant roughly a mile away.
The fire was largely contained to the garage with some extension into the house and attic.
more photos at
Tags: ATV starts house on fire, fire scene photos, fire scene video, house fire in unincorporated Mundelein, house fire without hydrants, Larry Shapiro, Lincolnshire-Riverwoods Fire Protection District, Long Grove FD Tanker 55, portable water tank on the ground, rural water supply at house fire,, video showing firefighters shuttle water to fire scene
Feb 1
Posted by Admin in Fire Scene video, video of firefighters working | 2 Comments
Video (part 2) from Larry Shapiro 4-Alarm house fire in Barrington Hills – 1-30-17
gallery of photos can be found at
Tags: 4-Alarm fire in Barrington Hills, Barrington & Countryside Fire Protection District,, E-ONE e-MAX pumper at fire scene, fire engine drafting from portable tank, fire guts Barrington Hills home, fire scene, fire scene video, fire tender shuttle, Larry Shapiro, night fire scene video, rural water supply at house fire, rural water supply at night fire,, tanker shuttle at fire scene, video of firefighting operations, video of rural firefighting tanker operations, video showing firefighters shuttle water to fire scene
Jan 31
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Scene video, video of firefighters working | 3 Comments
Video (part 1) from Larry Shapiro 4-Alarm house fire in Barrington Hills – 1-30-17
Excerpts from
A large house that was being expanded was a total loss Tuesday morning, after an immense fire in west suburban Barrington, while the family was overseas on vacation. An addition being built onto the 3,800-square-foot home appeared to be about 2,000 square feet.
By the time neighbors saw the fire, it had already grown quite large.
The fire started around 2 a.m. at a home at the end of a quarter-mile driveway on Cuba Road between Old Barrington Road and Route 59. A total of 30 suburban fire departments were called to the scene with more than 100 firefighters.
Tags: 4-Alarm fire in Barrington Hills, Barrington & Countryside Fire Protection District, E-ONE e-MAX pumper at fire scene, E-ONE Typhoon fire engine with lines off, fire engine drafting from portable tank, fire guts Barrington Hills home, fire scene, fire scene video, fire tender shuttle, Larry Shapiro, night fire scene video, rural water supply at house fire, rural water supply at night fire,, tanker shuttle at fire scene, video of firefighting operations, video of rural firefighting tanker operations, video showing firefighters shuttle water to fire scene
Sep 17
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Scene video | 1 Comment
video from the 2-Alarm fire in Long Grove 9-16-16
Tags: 2-Alarm fire in Long Grove, fire department tanker nursing an engine, fire engine drafting from portable tank, fire scene video, firemen use foam on house fire, house fire in Long Grove, Larry Shapiro, Long Grove Fire Department, Long Grove Fire Protection District, night fire scene photos, portable water tank on the ground,, tanker operations, tanker shuttle at fire scene, vacant house engulfed in flames, video of firemen working, video of house on fire, video of rural firefighting tanker operations, video showing firefighters shuttle water to fire scene
Apr 19
Posted by Admin in Fire scene audio, Fire Scene photos, Fire Scene video | 1 Comment
More from the 5-Alarm fire with 2 Specials at 245 Rolling Hills, Drive in Barrington Hills (4/18/15)
Images from Mary Klebba
Tags: 5-alarm barn fire in Barrington Hills, apparatus at fire scene, Barrington and Countryside Fire Protection District, Barrington Hills mansion destroyed by fire, fire department tenders, fire scene video, fire scene with water tender operations, firefighting video, heavy fire engulfs rural house, house fire in Barrington Hills, house fire video, Larry Shapiro, Mary Klebba,, video of fire engine responding, video of house on fire, video of large fire, video of rural firefighting tanker operations, video showing firefighters shuttle water to fire scene, water tenders dumping water
Jul 5
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Scene photos | Comments off
This from Larry Shapiro:
Shortly after 9PM on July 4th, firefighters in Long Grove and neighboring departments responded to a call for fire on the roof of a large house at 5421 Tall Oaks Drive in an unincorporated portion of the district. First arriving units found heavy fire along the peak of a three-story house and made a quick external attack before taking lines inside. After knocking down the bulk of the fire, they chased spot fires inside and along the peak as they had trouble accessing the affected area from the inside. The area was without hydrants. Tanker 55, a 3,000-gallon tanker, nursed the attack engine and a supply line was dropped over a the distance of a long block to the main road where two portable tanks were setup initiating a tanker shuttle to supply additional water.
more images at
Tags: fire department tanker nursing an engine, fire engine drafting from portable tank, fire engines at night fire scene, house fire in Long Grove, Larry Shapiro, Long Grove Fire Department, Long Grove Fire Protection District, night house fire scene, portable tank at fire scene, portable water tank on the ground, Prospect Heights Fire Protection District, Prospect Heights Tanker 9, rural water supply at night fire, tanker nursing engine, tanker shuttle at fire scene, video showing firefighters shuttle water to fire scene
Jan 25
Posted by Admin in Fire Scene video | Comments off
Video by Larry Shapiro of Newport Township FPD’s 4-Alarm house fire in Wadsworth on Thursday.
A gallery with photos can be viewed HERE.
Tags: 4-Alarm house fire in Wadsworth Illinois, 4th alarm fire in Wadsworth, fire scene video, firefighting video, firemen battle house fire in frigid weather, house fire video, Large Wadsworth IL house destroyed by fire., Larry Shapiro, massive house destroyed by fire, Newport Township FPD, video of fire scene, video of firefighting operations, video of firemen working, video of rural firefighting tanker operations, video showing firefighters shuttle water to fire scene, winter fire scene video
Lengthy video from Thursday night’s house fire in Prospect Heights.
A gallery of photos is HERE.
This from Prospect Heights Deputy Chief Drew Smith (901) who worked as the interior chief at the fire:
Fire confined to second floor bedroom walk-in closet and office area. Closet was large enough to be its own room and office area was attached to walk-in closet. Multiple peaks of roof and vaulted and cathedral ceilings required extensive overhaul to check for fire spread. A total of five 1&3/4 hose lines were deployed:
Line 1 fire area inside closet
Line 2 fire area outside closet
Line 3 cover balance of second floor while ceiling opened to check for fire spread
Line 4 covered base of stair
Line 5 was used exterior
Terrain and a small stream to the west of this area made access to nearby Wheeling hydrants impractical. Long-distance LDH relay used. Normally, E9 would be attack pumper and E39 would start relay with a mutual-aid company extending the lay if necessary. Since AH E4 arrived first Squad 9 dropped its full bed then E39 finished the lay and pumped. We have a procedure for this, have used it many times, and it allowed us to obtain an ISO Class 3 even in our non-hydranted areas.
Due to the location of the house in relationship to the cul-de-sac (which has an island) and that the first engine and tankers could only get so far out of the way, Tower 12 could only access the roof at the A-B corner. Had there been much fire in the attic and roof areas we may have had a hard time with suppression.
Tags: Arlington Heights Fire Department, fire department saves large home from fire, fire department water tankers, fire scene video, fire scene with tanker operations, firefighting video, heavy fire from house fire, house fire at 415 Cherry Creek Lane, house fire video, Larry Shapiro, Long Grove Fire Department, Long Grove Fire Protection District, Long Grove Tanker 55, night fire scene photos, Prospect Heights Fire Department, Prospect Heights Fire Protection District, tanker nursing engine, US Tank tanker at fire scene, video, video of fire scene, video of firefighting operations, video of rural firefighting tanker operations, video showing firefighters shuttle water to fire scene
For the finest department portraits and composites contact Tim Olk or Larry Shapiro.
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