Archive for September 6th, 2013

East St. Louis to lay off firefighters

According to an article found at, the City of East St. Louis plans on laying off 17 firefighters as the result of a SAFER Grant which has run out.

EAST ST. LOUIS — Seventeen firefighters who were hired with grant money have received notices that they will be laid off effective Sept. 30, unless city leaders find other means to pay them.

City Manager Deletra Hudson sent a letter to the firefighters dated Aug. 22 telling them that the city “has been forced to make some difficult financial decisions to meet its budgetary obligations.” The News-Democrat obtained a copy of the letter.

The money came from a SAFER grant, which stands for Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response. The grant, which was used to pay the firefighters’ salaries, has run out, forcing the city to send out the lay-off notices.

The grant, which was good for a year, ran out on March 30.

In the letter from Hudson, the firefighters were directed to turn in all keys, identification badges, gas cards and all other city property to the department director. The letter also said that the firemen would be notified in writing of their rights “regarding continuation coverage for health, dental and vision insurance and any unused vacation days.”

Fire Chief Jason Blackmon said the department has a total of 54 firemen, including the 17 who are slated to be laid off.

Mayor Alvin Parks said after the grant ran out in March the city found some extra money to keep the firefighters on the job until the end of September.

Parks acknowledged that 19 layoff letters were mailed out, but he said two of the firefighters’ salaries were transferred to the general fund, so for now, only 17 may actually be laid off.

“I have complete confidence in the fire department administration. I am confident they will utilize creativity and resourcefulness to keep negative impact to a minimum,” Parks said.

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Mt. Zion house fire 9-4-13 helmet cam

Chris Ranck found this helmet cam video from a basement fire in Mt. Zion, IL on 9-4-13 (on Havenwood Court)

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New Glenview fire station passes first hurdle

The Chicago Sun-Times has an article about the new headquarters fire station for Glenview getting plan commission approval.

The Glenview Plan Commission has approved the final site plan for the new fire station to be built at 1815 Glenview Road.

Approval came at a meeting that also served as a public hearing, allowing residents to voice their concerns and make suggestions about the new station. Most concerns raised by the public were about lighting and noise from trucks entering and exiting the station. In response to worries about noise, Deputy Fire Chief Ralph Ensign said the trucks use sirens and horns only when absolutely necessary, even during the day. The new traffic design at the intersection in front of the future station also allows trucks to pull out without horns and sirens.

When it comes to lights, Jeff Brady, Glenview’s director of planning, said proposed landscaping and fences act as a buffer. The fire department is also using new trucks with headlights situated lower than before, which keeps them from shining into windows.

Before commissioners approved the final plan and conditional-use permit, they made suggestions to architects from the AT Group, which is managing the project, regarding the appearance of the building. Most notable was the discrepancy between the residential style of the administrative portion of the building and the commercial style of the station portion.

“It looks like two different buildings,” said commission member Mark W. Igleski.

The administrative portion, which will hold offices, was designed in a more residential style, with high ceilings and peaked gables, aspects that concern commission member Ellen Dickson.

“This is not a residence,” she said. “Basically we’re building empty space for looks. … I would strongly encourage the Village Board to not mix their metaphors and allow a civic building to look like a civic building.”

The suggestions will be considered when the plan is reviewed by the appearance board Wednesday. If there are no problems with the final design, the final plan could go under review at the Sept. 17 Village Board meeting.

Full plans and previous posts can be found HERE.

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