Chicago had a 2-11 Alarm fire today at 1034 S. Kostner. The building consisted of a five-story section with a one-story area in the rear. Workers were disconnecting a storage tank in the basement which contained some sort of glue which ignited. The building began filling with smoke, and when companies determined what it was and that it was in the basement, everyone was ordered out and a PAR was conducted.
A Haz Mat Level I was requested along with the 2-11. 9-2-3, the MVU housed with Engine 106 was special called as was 8-8-11, the Mobile Oxygen Bus. There wasn’t any fire to see but lots of black smoke being pushed out of the building by the large fan.
Larry Shapiro and TIm Olk were at the scene. Some images are below.

Black smoke is forced out of the building from the MVU. Larry Shapiro photo

Chicago’s reserve squad, lettered for the Chicago Fire tv show was in service for Squad 2. Larry Shapiro photo

THe smoke covered everything and everyone. Black smoke is forced out of the building from the MVU. Larry Shapiro photo

Black smoke is forced out of the building from the MVU. Larry Shapiro photo

Black smoke is forced out of the building from the MVU. Larry Shapiro photo

Another dirty face after working inside. Black smoke is forced out of the building from the MVU. Larry Shapiro photo

Squad 2 member after working in the building. Black smoke is forced out of the building from the MVU. Larry Shapiro photo

No shortage of dirty faces at this fire. Black smoke is forced out of the building from the MVU. Larry Shapiro photo

A fireman enters the Oxygen Therapy Bus. Larry Shapiro photo

Black smoke is forced out of the building from the MVU. Larry Shapiro photo

Engine 107 on a hydrant. Larry Shapiro photo

Oxygen Therapy Bus 8-8-11 at the scene. Larry Shapiro photo

CFD MVU 9-2-3 working at the scene. Larry Shapiro photo
Larry has a large gallery with image HERE.
Tim has a large gallery with images HERE.