Archive for September 13th, 2013

Chicago 4-11 Alarm fire 9-11-13 (more)

More from Steve Redick on the 4-11 Alarm fire from Wednesday night

Sept 11, 3710 S California
Large industrial building, several hundred feet long, mainly loaded with pallets. very difficult access, embankments, trucking yards, fences, grade level differences and poor water supply and many dead end mains.  I arrived between the 2 and 3-11 … The original portion of the building was consumed and there werew still some pallets burning … squad 1 and TL54 had been repositioned and it seemed like the incident was winding down … these shots were my initial view of conditions, but I was only looking at a small portion of the complex …

Chicago Fire Department

Steve Redick photo

Chicago Fire Department

Steve Redick photo

Chicago Fire Department

Steve Redick photo

Chicago Fire Department

Steve Redick photo

Chicago Fire Department

Steve Redick photo

Chicago Fire Department

Steve Redick photo

A gallery with more images can be viewed HERE.

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Cary FPD Centennial Celebration

This year is the Cary Fire Protection District's 100 Year Anniversary. In celebration, the department is hosting a centennial dance tomorrow.

Cary Fire Protection DIstrict Centennial dance Cary Fire Protection DIstrict Centennial dance

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Palatine Rural FPD begins communication with the two Barrington fire departments

The Daily Herald has an article about the administrative changes which need to be addressed regarding automatic aid agreements between the Palatine Rural Fire Protection District and the Barrington Fire Department and Barrington Countryside Fire Protection District.

Palatine Rural Fire Protection District’s board of trustees has voted to terminate its automatic-aid agreement with the Barrington Countryside Fire Protection District and the Barrington Fire Department.

Palatine Rural Chief Hank Clemmensen said the move becomes effective Dec. 31, giving all parties ample time to work out “possible” new agreements before Countryside officially splits from Barrington to operate as an independent fire department.

“We’ll need two auto-aid agreements after Jan. 1,” Clemmensen said. “Now we can sit down with both agencies to renegotiate.”

Palatine Rural’s vote to end the agreement is somewhat of a formality.

Barrington Fire Chief Jim Arie said the village had already planned to work out a new agreement with Palatine Rural that recognizes the separation from Barrington Countryside.

Clemmensen emphasized that any future auto-aid agreement, which is designed to provide immediate initial responses to an emergency by the closest fire station regardless of jurisdiction, would need to be fair and equitable for all sides.

Currently, Palatine Rural’s jurisdiction generally covers the eastern two-thirds of Inverness. Western Inverness and north of Dundee, including the area by Ela Road just 1.5 miles north of the Palatine Rural station, are in Countryside’s district. Clemmensen said Palatine Rural responds to those areas with an engine for most calls, essentially subsidizing service. A fee could help make up the difference when there’s not much opportunity for reciprocation of service. “My board doesn’t feel we’re getting the same return,” Clemmensen said. “It’s not fair to our residents to support another fire district for daily operations.”

A Barrington Countryside spokesman said the district isn’t surprised or concerned with the termination, and added that both districts are discussing other options for aid should any be necessary considering the Countryside’s increased staffing in 2014.

Clemmensen maintained it would “behoove” residents of western Inverness to have Palatine Rural always respond since its station is closer. However, he said he can’t take resources away from his own district’s residents. If a satisfactory auto-aid agreement can’t be reached with Barrington Countryside, he said an alternative could be for Palatine Rural to expand its jurisdiction. For that to happen, residents of Barrington Countryside would have to petition for a referendum to annex into Palatine Rural.

thanks Dan

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