From the collection of Wayne Stuart – unknown date, location, and photographer.

From the collection of Wayne Stuart – unknown date, location, and photographer.
Oct 14
Posted by Admin in Fire Truck photos, Historic fire apparatus | 12 Comments
From the collection of Wayne Stuart – unknown date, location, and photographer.
From the collection of Wayne Stuart – unknown date, location, and photographer.
Tags: Chicago FD Hi-Ranger Snorkel, Chicago Fire Department history, historic fire truck pictures, historic truck photos, historical photos of Chicago Fire Department, Quinn's Snorkel No 3, Wayne Stuart
May 6
Posted by Admin in Fire Department History, Historic fire apparatus, Historic Fire Photo | 2 Comments
This from Eric Haak:
Here are a few more images of the 5-11+ that Steve Redick posted earlier this week. The last image appears to be from a day or so later or during a re-kindle. With these images, you can tell the companies on scene by the map Steve provided. Photographer is unknown and they are from my personal collection.
Eric Haak collection
Eric Haak collection
Eric Haak collection
Eric Haak collection
Eric Haak collection
Eric Haak collection
Eric Haak collection
Tags: 5-11 Alarm fire in Chicago, Chicago FD history, Eric Haak, historical photos of Chicago Fire Department
May 5
Posted by Admin in Fire Department History, Historic Fire Photo | 7 Comments
This follow up from Steve Redick relates to a rent post Chicago 5-11 at 1520 S Indiana in 1974:
I sent this out a while back and just got some additional info to share. Old time fan Chuck Bleck was working in the insurance industry at the time and prepared an extensive diagram of the fire and was kind enough to share it. Chuck also sent a copy of the report in Turnout magazine from the fire as well as some other good old CFD info.
Warren Redick photo
** a note to our younger readers who might be wondering about the odd looking type of the two summaries above … they were created with a typewriter
Tags: Chicago FD Big John, Chicago FD history, Chuck Bleck, historic Chicago fire scene, historical photos of Chicago Fire Department, Steve Redick, Ward LaFrance P80 engines in Chicago, Warren Redick
Apr 14
Posted by Admin in Fire Department History, Historic fire apparatus, Historic Fire Photo | 10 Comments
This from Steve Redick:
Some great old stuff from dad’s collection.
Warren Redick collection
5-11 62 & Halsted 12-30-52
Warren Redick collection
Engine 46 – 1919 Ahrens Fox
Chicago Engine 46 – 1919 Ahrens Fox. Warren Redick collection
2 – 1938 Pirsch Sedan pumpers
Warren Redick collection
1954 Mack delivery photo
Warren Redick collection
Eng 45 1916 Ahrens Fox
Warren Redick collection
These are just really some great shots. Enjoy
Tags: 1916 Ahrens Fox fire engine, 1938 Pirsch sedan pumper, Chicago Fire Department history, historic Chicago fire scene, historic fire scene photos, historic fire truck photos, historical photos of Chicago Fire Department, Mack Bulldog pressure wagon in Chicago, Mack CF engine, Steve Redick, Warren Redick
Apr 8
Posted by Admin in Historic fire apparatus, Historic Fire Photo | 3 Comments
This from the collection of Steve Redick:
April 12, 1953, 5-11 with many dead, Haber Corporation 908 W North Ave
April 12, 1953 5-11 with many dead Haber Corporation 908 W North Ave . Steve Redick collection
March 13, 1965, 2-11 at Fulton & Damen in Chicago … Great shot .. I can see a 2 fog pressures as well as some great old buggies
March 13, 1965, 2-11 at Fulton & Damen in Chicago. Steve Redick collection
Tags: 5-11 Alarm fire at 908 W North Avenue in Chicago 1953, Chicago FD history, historic fire in Chicago, historical photos of Chicago Fire Department, Steve Redick
Apr 6
Posted by Admin in Fire Department History, Historic fire apparatus | 15 Comments
This from Steve Redick:
A classic image from my dad. I believe he took this when assigned to snorkel 4 at 25’s house, then at the academy. Notice the bell cutout in the grill. Don’t know the identity of these companies.
Another great shot Tower & Pressure 3 taken at a fire at 62 & Stony Island
Warren Redick photo
Warren Redick photo
Another coupla shots …Eng 48’s Pirsch taken at what was Engine 16 at 40th & Dearborn
High Pressure 1 across from Eng 1
These are great shots
Warren Redick photo
Warren Redick photo
Some additional notes from Mike K:
Great picture of Engine 48. When I started my career at Engine 19, we had an identical pumper. The rough ride of the back step on these old Pirsches force me to switch from Boxer shorts to Jockey shorts. Actally, when this picture was taken, the firehouse shown at 4005 S. Dearborn was not Engine 16’s quarters. It was Engine 48’s house. Engine 16 was located at 31st and Dearborn and the property was purchased by Illinois Institute of Technology and engine 16 was doubled up with Engine 48 at 4005 S. Dearborn.One of my Captain’s at Engine 19 was Captain of Engine 48 at that time and after repeated complaints to Commissioner Quinn that the single door firehouse was too small for two pumpers, he finally agreed. Thus, he ordered Engine 48 removed from service and gave the house to Engine 16. Captain Fletcher Thompson won his position, but found himself without a company to command.After losing his assignment at Engine 48, he became Captain of Engine 45 until transferring to Engine 19 about a year after I was assigned there.I’m not sure if Steve Redick is aware of the fact that 4005 Dearborn was originally Engine 48’s quarters, but his comment gives me the impression that Engine 48 was the “guest” at Engine 16.Mike K
Tags: antique Chicago fire trucks, Chicago Fire Department history, Chicago Fire Department water tower, historic fire truck photos, historical photos of Chicago Fire Department, Steve Redick, Warren Redick
Mar 17
Posted by Admin in Historic fire apparatus, Historic Fire Photo | 7 Comments
This from Eric Haak:
These images were taken around 1950 by an aspiring photographer whose last name was Augustyn but I do not have a first name.The fire was on the Northeast corner of Diversey and Pulaski on the same lot as the Walgreens that is next to Engine 91’s house. The fire was in the Rainbo Lanes Bowling Alley. The truck closest to the building is Truck 35 and the one with its aerial up looks like Truck 13 although it is hard to read. The Water Tower is #2. Hope you enjoy them.
photo by Augustyn
Rainbo Bowling Alley fire in Chicago circa 1959. photo by Augustyn
photo by Augustyn
photo by Augustyn
photo by Augustyn
photo by Augustyn
photo by Augustyn
photo by Augustyn
Tags: Chicago Fire Department history, fire scene photos from 1950, historic Chicago fire scene, historic fire in Chicago, historic fire scene photos, historical photos of Chicago Fire Department, Rainbo Bowling Alley fire
Mar 4
Posted by Admin in Fire Department History, Historic Fire Photo | 1 Comment
More from Steve Redick:
Here is the final post from 1939, an excellent photo that was hanging for years in the office of Chief McAuliff of the insurance patrol. My dad had this displayed for years, and I really thought this was worth sharing. The best part is you get a shot of both the old and newer fireboats at work.
Tags: Chicago Fire Boat the Fred Busse, Chicago fire boat the Joseph Medill, fire boat operations, Grain Elevator Conflagration of 1939, historic Chicago fire scene, historical photos of Chicago Fire Department
Feb 27
Posted by Admin in Collectors of fire memorabilia, Fire Department History, Historic Fire Photo | 2 Comments
More from Steve Redick:
Here is the next installment. Details about FD dispatch and operations as well as a great two-page spread of the overall scene showing all the Ahrens Fox pumpers drafting. A one-of-a-kind historical event. … there’s still more to come
Tags: Ahrens Fox fire engine, Chicago FD Ahrens Fox fire engines pumping together, Grain Elevator Conflagration of 1939, historic Chicago fire scene, historical photos of Chicago Fire Department, Steve Redick
Feb 26
Posted by Admin in Fire Department History, Historic Fire Photo | 11 Comments
This from Steve Redick:
Recently I shared a brochure from Ahrens Fox. In it was a photo from the big grain elevator conflagration in 1939. I have shared two more press photos and part 1 of the Underwriters report on the fire. This is very cool stuff if you take the time to read through it. This was an amazing fire, and a classic big city response. It’s worth a good look … more to follow …
Tags: Chicago Board of Underwriters of Chicago report on the Conflagration of Grain Elevators May 11 1939, Grain Elevator Conflagration of 1939, historic Chicago fire scene, historical photos of Chicago Fire Department, Steve Redick
For the finest department portraits and composites contact Tim Olk or Larry Shapiro.
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