Photos from Larry Shapiro of the Buffalo Grove FD open house.
more photos at
Sep 19
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News | 1 Comment
Photos from Larry Shapiro of the Buffalo Grove FD open house.
more photos at
Tags: Arthur 'Skip' Hart, Buffalo Grove Fire Department, children and fire trucks, children learn fire safety, children use fire extinguisher, fire department open house, fire department public education, fire department public education trailer, firefighter challenge for children, firefighter talking to children, firemen teach children, Flight for Life helicopter, Holmatro tools cut trapped people from car, live-fire burn demonstration, Pink Heals Tour, vehicle extrication demonstration, young child admires firefighters
Oct 13
Posted by Admin in Ambulance photos, Fire Department News, Fire Truck photos | 2 Comments
Tyler Tobolt visited three of yesterday’s open house events and submitted several photos. Larry Shapiro also added images from the Long Grove open house.
From The Long Grove Fire Protection District open house
A large gallery with more images from the Long Grove open house is HERE.
From The Libertyville Fire Department open house
From The Prospect Heights Fire Protection District open house
Tags: ambulance photos, children learn fire safety, female firefighter with young child, fire department open hosue, fire department open house, fire engine photos, fire service open house, fire truck pictures, firefighters with children, firemen teach children, Larry Shapiro, Libertyville Fire Department, live burn demonstration by firemen for the public, Long Grove Fire Department, Long Grove Fire Protection District, Prospect Heights Fire Department, Prospect Heights Fire Protection District, public fire safety education, Tyler Tobolt
Larry Shapiro submitted images from the Buffalo Grove FD open house on Saturday, September 21st.
A gallery with many more images can be found HERE.
Tags: Buffalo Grove Fire Department, children learn fire safety, children use fire extinguisher, fire department does extrication demo, fire department open house, fire department public education, fire department shows extrication to families, fire service open house, firefighter challenge for children, firemen teach children, Flight for Life helicopter, Larry Shapiro, medevac, side by side burn demo for sprinklers
For the finest department portraits and composites contact Tim Olk or Larry Shapiro.
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