Archive for May 24th, 2012

Frankfort house fire 5-23-12

Karl Klotz took in a house fire last night in Frankfort.

From Karl:

House fire in Frankfort last night, 5/23/2012. Frankfort FPD box alarm for the house fire at 8303 Brickstone in Frankfort. Companies arrived to find a 2-story house well involved and communicating to the house to the west.

The Herald-News reports that:

The cause of a fire that destroyed a Frankfort home early Thursday is still under investigation.

Crews were called to the two-story house in the 8300 block of Brickstone Drive at about 11:48 p.m. Wednesday and found the home engulfed in flames, Frankfort Fire Battalion Chief Nick Peters said.

Firefighters had the fire under control within 45 minutes, but the home was a total loss, Peters said.

The fire also caused some exterior damage to the house next door, as well as natural gas leaks in both homes, according to Peters.

Frankfort FPD house fire 5-23-12 at 8303 Brickstone

B/C corner of the house. Karl Klotz photo

Frankfort FPD house fire 5-23-12 at 8303 Brickstone

Rear of the original fire building. Karl Klotz photo

Frankfort FPD house fire 5-23-12 at 8303 Brickstone

Another view from the rear showing damage to the west exposure. Karl Klotz photo

Frankfort FPD house fire 5-23-12 at 8303 Brickstone

After the fire is knocked down, the gas meter continues to burn while firefighters wait for the gas company. Karl Klotz photo

Frankfort FPD house fire 5-23-12 at 8303 Brickstone

The exposure to the west sustained significant damage. Karl Klotz photo

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Website department updates

Several long overdue updates to various department pages have been completed as follows:

thanks Karl, Hank, Jim, Nick, Larry, Drew, and Jeff

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The color of fire trucks (part 8) Division 6

This installment is from Bill Freidrich.

Eight fire departments in Dekalb County, MABAS Division 6, have had non-red fire apparatus and rescues over the years.


This was the only non-red vehicle in the  Cortland FD fleet.

Cortland Fire Department ambulance

The Cortland Fire Department ran this 1977/1982 Chevy/Horton Type I as Rescue 1751. Bill Friedrich photo


This Ward LaFrance/Hi-Ranger Snorkel was the only non-red rig in the Dekalb FD fleet. It was later sold to the Shabbona FPD and repainted white over red.

Dekalb Fire Department 1975 Ward LaFrance Hi-Ranger Snorkel

Dekalb had this lime yellow and white 85' Hi-Ranger built by Ward LaFrance in 1975. Bill Friedrich photo

Shabbona Fire Protection District 1975 Ward La France Hi-Ranger Snorkel

The Shabbona Fire Department, bought this 1975 Ward LaFrance (P80) 85' Hi-Ranger from Dekalb. Bill Friedrich photo



This squad was the only non-red unit for the Shabbona Fire Protection District.

Shabbona Fire Protection old fire truck

Shabbona had this 1975 Chevy Step-Van as Rescue 2516. It was their only piece that was not red. Bill Friedrich photo



For the Malta FPD, this was the only non-red unit in their fleet.
Malta Fire Protection District 1965 Dodge/Boyer mini-pumper

Malta ran this as Rescue 4. It was a 1965 Dodge/Boyer with a 250-GPM pump and 300 gallons of water. Bill Friedrich photo

At the Maple Park FPD, this was the only non-red rig in their house. It had been a show truck for Alexis.
Maple Park Fire Protection District Mack MC Alexis tanker

Maple Park bought this 1985 Alexis 2,750-gallon tanker on a Mack MC chassis which was built as a demonstrator/show truck. It had a 750-GPM pump and was the only non-red unit in Maple Park. Bill Friedrich photo



At the Genoa-Kingston FPD, everything today is all red. Previously though, the vehicles were all orange, red with a white paint job and white with a orange stripe.
Genoa-Kingston Fire Protection District Pierce Aerial-ETT

The Genoa-Kingston Fire Protection District used to run with a fleet that was all orange. One early unit was Engine 78, built by Pierce in 1978 on a Ford C-8000 chassis. It had a 750-GPM pump and carried 750 gallons of water. It also featured a 45' Aerial-ETT, an early aerial ladder design by Pierce. Bill Friedrich photo

The Kirkland FPD was all white. Today everything is they have is painted red.
Kirkland FPD (IL) 1961 GMC-Hower fire engine

When the Kirkland FPD ran with white apparatus, this front mounted pumper tanker from Howe was Tanker 2. It was built in 1961 on a GMC chassis. Bill Friedrich photo

The Waterman FPD apparatus is all red with the exception of this one unit.
Waterman FPD Ford McCoy Miller rescue squad

Waterman Rescue 1251, the only non-red unit in their fleet, was built in 1986 by McCoy-Miller on a Cord F-800 chassis. Bill Friedrich photo

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