This from Eric Haak:
For this week I thought I would offer a bunch of Snorkel images and one Autocar. Image 1 is from a 2-11 at 4440 W. Madison on September 23, 1959. The building to the right is still there but the rest of it is all gone. Image 2 shows an Autocar working at a 2-11 at 4615 S. Wells on October 5, 1959. This was during the pre-Dan Ryan days and Wentworth Avenue can be seen in the background. Image 3 is interesting because this fire was just outside of Engine 48’s quarters at 3950 S Dearborn. It was a 5-11 on October 11, 1959. For those who are familiar with Engine 16’s old house on Dearborn (same house), you can see the bottom of the railroad bridge at the top of the image, so this was literally right outside of 48’s apron. Image 4 is from a 3-11 at 4314 S Cottage Grove on February 8, 1961 showing Snorkels 1 and 2 working together. Image 5 again shows Snorkels 2 and 3 working together at a 4-11 bowling alley fire on March 27, 1961. The address was 3818 W 26th St. Finally there is an image of a 4-11 from August 17, 1967. This building was on the northeast corner of Wentworth and Cullerton and was the International Heater Company supply warehouse. Happy Thanksgiving to all!”