Posts Tagged fire engine at fire scene

Fire departments train in vacant house

This from Dennis McGuire, Jr.

The Alsip Fire Department along with the Garden Homes Fire Protection District and the Homewood Acres Fire Protection District had a burn down in Alsip, Illinois at 120th St. and Hamlin Ave.
All of the departments performed numerous small training evolutions in the house before having the final burn down. I arrived towards the end and was able to capture the final wrap up of a month long process.
suburban Chicago fire departments train with vacant house

A Garden Homes FPD captain oversees the garage burn. Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo

suburban Chicago fire departments train with vacant house

A Homewood Acres engine being used as the primary unit. Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo

suburban Chicago fire departments train with vacant house

Another shot of the Alsip truck covering the house. Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo

suburban Chicago fire departments train with vacant house

Alsip Truck 2014 was used for aerial water coverage.Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo

suburban Chicago fire departments train with vacant house

House fully involved. Rocky Golomb photo

suburban Chicago fire departments train with vacant house

Homewood Acres firefighters along with an Alsip firefighter work to pull down the remaining walls. Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo

suburban Chicago fire departments train with vacant house

Homewood Acres firefighters are making an attack on the garage. Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo

suburban Chicago fire departments train with vacant house

Nothing is left of the house. The Homewood Acres engine can be seen in the background. Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo

suburban Chicago fire departments train with vacant house

Overall view of the site. Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo

suburban Chicago fire departments train with vacant house

The aftermath. Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo

suburban Chicago fire departments train with vacant house

The Homewood Acres FPD chief looks over the remains of the house and garage. Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo

suburban Chicago fire departments train with vacant house

The house collapsed into the basement. Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo

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Chicago 2-11 Alarm fire 5-23-13

This from Drew Gresik:

Hey guys,
I took in the 2-11 this morning at 1433 S Kenneth. I arrived roughly 50 minutes into the incident, and at the time, the incident was a Still and Box. After being on scene for about 10 minutes, 2-2-1 requested a 2-11 Alarm for the heavy fire pushing throughout. A lot of commissioners took this one in too, including 2-1-3, Commissioner Jose Santiago. This fire also occurred during shift change so there were a lot of firefighters switching into gear and moving rigs around. Another interesting note is that there was a LOT of spare rigs at this incident, companies with spares include: Towers 5 and 14, Trucks 26 and 36, and another Truck and Engine (I think Engine 109 and Truck 29). Thanks, enjoy the pics!
Drew Gresik
PS Tower 5 was using E252 and Tower 14 was using E248. (Tower 5 backed into the vacant lot in Sector 4 and took over master stream ops for Tower 14…Squad 2’s Snorkel was also used as a master stream). E279 was being used by Truck 26 and was also in the lot next to the towers.
Chicago FD Engine 38

Engine 38 with lines off. Drew Gresik photo

Chicago FD Engine 95

Engine 95 on a hydrant. Drew Gresik photo

Chicago FD Engine 113

Engine 113 on a hydrant. Drew Gresik photo

Chicago FD Engine 117

Engine 117 on a hydrant. Drew Gresik photo

Chicago FD Seagrave aerial

Truck 26 was using this spare Seagrave ladder truck. Drew Gresik photo

two CFD tower ladders at fire scene

Two spare E-ONE tower ladders were working the fire. Drew Gresik photo

apartment building fire in Chicago

A hand line is deployed to the 3rd floor. Drew Gresik photo

Chicago FD Tower Ladder 54f

Tower Ladder 54. Drew Gresik photo

E-ONE tower ladder in Chicago

One of the spare E-ONE tower ladders working. Drew Gresik photo

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2nd Alarm fire plus Haz Mat Box in Cary 3-6-13

Apparatus images from Tim Olk from the 2-11 Alarm fire and Haz Mat Box in Cary

MABAS Division 5 Mobile Air Unit.MABAS Division 5 Mobile Air Unit.

MABAS Division 5 Mobile Air Unit. TIm Olk photo

MABAS Mobile Ventilation Unit

MABAS Mobile Ventilation Unit. Tim Olk photo

Carpentersville FD tower ladder

Carpentersville FD tower ladder. Tim Olk photo

Woodstock FPD engine.

Woodstock FPD engine. Tim Olk photo

McHenry Township FPD tower ladder

McHenry Township FPD tower ladder, Tim Olk photo

Cary Fire Department 2-11 594

Tim o Algonquin-Lake in the Hills Ferrara tower ladder. Tim Olk photo

East Dundee FPD ambulance

East Dundee ambulance. Tim Olk photo

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House fire in Huntley 3-11-12

This from Tyler Tobolt:

Huntley Fire Department got dispatched to 10101 Ashley Street for a possible structure fire. Battalion 930 arrived with a 2-story home with a fire in the garage – quick knock on the fire, Truck 983 had 1 line out – Companies on scene : Huntley Engine 944, Truck 983, Battalion 930, Chief 901, Deputy Chief 902: Automatic aid from Algonquin with an engine and Rutland-Dundee with an ambulance : Algonquin EMS and Woodstock engine COQ 


house fire in Huntley IL 3-11-13

Tyler Tobolt photo

house fire in Huntley IL 3-11-13

Tyler Tobolt photo

house fire in Huntley IL 3-11-13

Tyler Tobolt photo

house fire in Huntley IL 3-11-13

Tyler Tobolt photo

house fire in Huntley IL 3-11-13

Tyler Tobolt photo

house fire in Huntley IL 3-11-13

Tyler Tobolt photo

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