Posts Tagged Glenview

Glenview to go ahead with plans for new fire station

The Glenview Announcements has an article on the updated progress of the new headquarters fire station to be built for the Glenview Fire Department.

Glenview officials on Wednesday approved the larger of two designs for a new downtown fire station headquarters.

Trustees asked architects to design a facility with three vehicle bays and nine firefighter rest bunks for $6.3 million. The original plan was for 2 ½ bays and six bunks for future expansion at $5.6 million.

Also, a peaked roof to hide mechanical equipment and a tower to comply with downtown designs were added to the plan.

“Expanding could cost a lot more later. I’m comfortable with (Fire Chief Wayne Globerger’s) need for a third bay,” Britton said.

Trustees also approved design appearances, such as banded-stone exterior facades, pilasters and a mid-building tower.

“The fire station should compliment other buildings in the area. It’s a long-term, and should be a marquee and held to the same standards as other contracted buildings,” Trustee Michael Jenny said. In May, trustees voted to support a new fire station and headquarters next to Village Hall on Waukegan Road.

In December 2012, the Village Board approved a plan to demolish and redevelop the old fire station headquarters at 1815 Glenview Road into a four-story structure that includes 142 rentals with first-floor retail storefronts.

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Box Alarm in Glenview

At the Glenview Box Alarm last week which occurred at a park district storage facility, Steve Redick made his way around the scene and documented the engines that were pumping.

Wilmette Fire Department engine 27 E-ONE

Wilmette Engine 27 was due on the box and laid a supply line to Glenview Truck 14. Wilmette has two stations. One runs an engine and houses the spare engine, while the other station (26) runs a tower ladder and has a spare tower ladder. Steve Redick photo

Glenview Fire Department Pierce Enforcer engine

Glenview Engine 7 was on a hydrant supplying Engine 6. This is a 2006 Pierce Enforcer. Steve Redick photo

Glenview Fire Department Pierce Arrow XT engine

Engine 8 is Glenview's newest. It is a 2009 Pierce Arrow XT rescue pumper with deeper compartments than their other units. Steve Redick photo

Glenview Fire Department Pierce Lance engine

Engine 13 is the oldest frontline engine in Glenview. This is a 1990 Pierce Lance unit which is slated to be replaced next year with a Pierce Arrow XT model similar to Engine 8. Steve Redick photo

Glenview has Pierce apparatus utilizing four different chassis styles; the Enforcer, Lance, Arrow XT, and Dash.

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Glenview Fire at Park District Facility

Flames were reported to be 40 feet in the air by police units when they arrived at the Glenview Park District Facility at 1100 Roosevelt Avenue just after midnight this morning. When Glenview Fire Department companies arrived  they initiated a defensive attack prior to requesting a MABAS Box Alarm for additional units. The building incorporated offices on one end and equipment storage throughout the rest. Several vehicles were destroyed along with the building. Several hand lines operated as well as elevated master streams from Northfield Truck 29 (E-ONE) and Glenview Truck 14 (Pierce).  Three engines from Glenview and one from Wilmette were pumping at this fire.

Glenview Box Alarm fire at 1100 Roosevelt Avenue 11-7-10

Thick smoke pours out of the northeast corner of the Glenview Park facility at 1100 Roosevelt Avenue un the early morning house of November 7th. Larry Shapiro photo

Glenview Box Alarm fire 11-7-10 at 1100 Roosevelt Avenue

Northfield firefighters try to cool down a section of the building to stave off a flash over as the opposite end of the complex is a raging inferno. . Larry Shapiro photo

Photos and videos by Larry Shapiro and Steve Redick can be seen HERE and HERE.

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MABAS Response Drill Photos

Another photo gallery has been posted detailing the MABAS 90-90 Response Drill from last Friday. The gallery by Larry Shapiro can be viewed by scrolling down on the page found HERE. Yesterday, Hank Sajovic posted a gallery of images which can be seen HERE.

MABAS 90-90 Drill

This is the pad at NIPSTA in preparation for the arrival of 11 task forces, each consisting of nine units. Larry Shapiro photo

MABAS 90-90 Drill

This is the view from the same location after all of the task forces were in place. Larry Shapiro photo

MABAS 90-90 Drill

Each task force brought three ambulances to the staging area. Larry Shapiro photo

MABAS 90-90 Drill

The task force from Lake County (IL) Division 4 is shown arriving at north staging. Larry Shapiro photo

MABAS 90-90 Drill

Staff personnel at two computer stations checked in all personnel via bar-coded MABAS issued ID cards. Larry Shapiro photo

MABAS 90-90 Drill

Although media coverage for the response drill was extensive, evidently it was all centered at the north staging site at NIPSTA in Glenview. Reportedly the sites in Hoffman Estates and Tinley Park received much less media attention. Larry Shapiro photo

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Glenview site updates

There has been a little house keeping on the site between the Glenview stations. It cam e to our attention that some reserve vehicles were in the wrong locations and hopefully now the site is more accurate. The following changes/additions have been made:

  • Ambulance 6R was moved to Station 14
  • Engine 8R (the HME Sle/Central States) has been moved to Station 14
  • Engine 8R (the HME 1871/Luverne) has been placed at Station 8
  • An image of the MESS Canteen unit M-4 has been added to Station 13
  • A new image of Engine 7 with corrected specs has been added to Station 7

Additionally, Battalion 6 has a new vehicle.

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Area updates for new apparatus

Troy has taken delivery of their second Pierce Arrow XT engine bearing their new color scheme. This is Engine 2221 (the previous one was 2211).

Troy FD Pierce Arrow XT engine

The second Pierce Arrow XT engine for Troy shown in the new colors. Pierce photo

Algonquin has two new units in production at Ferrara. Similar to Buffalo Grove, they purchased an engine and a tower ladder. Reportedly, that’s where the similarities end though as the Algonquin units are said to be fully loaded. The first set of production photos at the Ferrara plant can be seen HERE for both units.

Algonquin also received a new ambulance from Medtec this spring.

The Countryside FPD is Lake County is expecting a new Horton ambulance and a tender from US Tank very soon.

Countryside FPD US Tank production

Production history of the new tender being built by US Tank for Countryside. US Tank photos

Glenview has reportedly placed an order now for two engines from Pierce. Though both will feature the Arrow XT cab and chassis, one will have a conventional pumper body similar to engines 6 & 7 while the second will have a rescue style body like engine 8 which was shown HERE.

Huntley is expecting a new IHC 4300 Type I ambulance from Medtec.

Highland Park is in the initial stages of designing specifications for a new ambulance. Currently, their ambulances are Type III units on E-Series Ford chassis. The new unit will reportedly be a departure from this style and will be a Type I design featuring an F-Series chassis from Ford.

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Glenview Engine 8

Glenview engine 8 Pierce Arrow XT

Glenview Engine 8, 2009 Pierce Arrow XT with rescue-style body. Larry Shapiro photo

The new Pierce Arrow XT engine that was assigned to Glenview Engine 8 earlier this year represents several changes from the earlier apparatus for Engine 6 and 7. The heavier Arrow XT cab/chassis is the first noticeable change as compared to the Enforcer models purchased previously. The Arrow XT was also ordered with a heavy steel bumper instead of the chrome bumpers on the others. The next change is in the body design. Engine 8 has larger body with deeper ‘rescue-style’ compartments. The first compartment has a slide-out tool board, the rear compartment has a complete compliment of hydraulic extrication tools and there are ‘coffin-style’ compartments assessable from the top of the body which house the cord reels for the hydraulic tools and haz-mat supplies. Engine 8 is the first response haz-mat unit in town and along with truck 14 is part of the extrication response. Engines 6, 7, and 13 have ‘combi-tools’ for minor pin-ins but only Engine 8 and the truck have the full array of tools.

Glenview FD Engine 8

The body of Engine 8 is taller and features deeper compartments than earlier Pierce engines. Larry Shapiro photo

Glenview is said to be in the preliminary stages of ordering two additional engines, one of which will have the standard engine body while the second will replicate Engine 8. This ‘rescue-style’ engine though will not be setup for haz-mat but instead will carry supplies for technical rescue.

Glenview Engine 8 rear chevron

The rear of Engine 8 showing the depth of the right side compartments and the NFPA compliant rear chevron. Larry Shapiro photo

Glenview engine 8 Pierce Arrow XT

Engine 8 has a complete set of hydraulic tools and is due village-wide on calls for extrication along with Truck 14 and the still engine. Larry SHapiro photo

Glenview engine 8

This slide-out tool board is made possible with the deeper compartments. Larry Shapiro photo

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Glenview puts Engine 8 into service

The Glenview Fire Department placed engine 8’s new Pierce into service recently. This is a 2009 Pierce Arrow XT with a 1500 GPM pump and 500 gallons of water. Since this engine went into service, all of Glenview front line units are now Pierce. Engine 8 replaced the last of the various engines with HME chassis. They have one HME/Luverne engine and one HME/Central States engine in reserve. The other engines in service are a 1990 Pierce Lance at Station 13, a 2006 Pierce Enforcer at Station 6, a 2007 Pierce Enforcer at Station 7 and a 2003 Pierce Dash 100′ Quint at Station 14.

Glenview Fire Department Pierce Arrow XT Engine 8

Glenview Engine 8 is a 2009 Pierce Arrow XT 1500/500 shown here staged at a recent fire in Wheeling. Photo by Larry Shapiro

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New images added to existing posts

The following new images have been added to the site from Karl Klotz:

Northbrook Sta 10 (Ambulance 10, Engine 10, Dive Rescue 10, Light Tower 10)

Morton Grove Sta 4 (Engine 4 and Ambulance 4)

Des Plaines Sta 1 (Battalion 9)

The following new images have been added to the site from Larry Shapiro:

Glenview Sta 13 (Squad 6)

Mount Prospect Sta 13 (Engine 13)

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4 more Division 3 departments have gone online!

The following departments have been added to Division 3:

Glenview with 5 stations

Morton Grove with 2 stations

Highland Park with 3 stations

Des Plaines with 3 stations

Des Plaines is also in Division 1, so both Divisions will link to their stations.

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