Posts Tagged Glenview Fire Department

Glenview Fire Department news

Found on Facebook group. 
Today the Glenview Fire Dept. retired a firetruck and donated it to Guatemala.; #FireTruck; #donated; #Guatemala; #GlenviewFD;
thanks Martin

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New engine and truck for Glenview (more)

From the Pierce Flickr site:

Pierce, Glenview, IL, 37840-1; #GlenviewFD; #FireTruck; #Pierce; #Enforcer; #PUC;

Pierce composite

Pierce, Glenview, IL, 37841-1; #GlenviewFD; #FireTruck; #Pierce; #Enforcer;

Pierce composite

thanks Martin

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New engine and truck for Glenview


Job: #37841 | Illinois | Enforcer Pumper; #Pierce; #GlenviewFD; #FireTruck;

macqueen emergency photo

Job: #37840 | Illinois | Enforcer HD 107 RM; #Pierce; #GlenviewFD; #FireTruck; #Enforcer;

macqueen emergency photo

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New truck for Glenview FD (more)

From the macqueen website:

Glenview FD – Job: #37840 |Illinois|Enforcer HD 107 RM; #Pierce; #Enforcer; #FireTruck; #Beingbuilt; #GlenviewFD;

Macqueen Emergency photo; #Pierce; #Enforcer; #FireTruck; #Beingbuilt; #GlenviewFD;

Macqueen Emergency photo

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New engine and truck for Glenview (more)

From the macqueenemergency Facebook page:

llinois Sales Rep, Dan Rudnicki and Glenview Fire Department are on their last day of a 3 day marathon to design a Pierce pumper and aerial.; #GlenviewFD; #Pierce; #FireTruck;; #GlenviewFD; #Pierce;

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2-Alarm fire in Des Plaines, 1-5-23

This from Larry Shapiro:

After being dispatched to a working fire at an unknown address because of the volume of 911 calls into RED Center, firefighters from the North Maine FPD followed a header and travelled less than 1/2 mile to 9320 Noel Street in unincorporated Maine Township. They pulled up to heavy fire blowing out what was left of one unit of a four-unit, two-story apartment building. The entire front of the second unit from the street had been blown out. The alarm was upgraded to a Working Fire and then a MABAS Box Alarm, followed within minutes by an upgrade to the 2nd Alarm bringing units from as far away as Glencoe and Lincolnshire.

Multiple hand lines and three elevated master streams were used to battle the fire, the majority of which had been knocked down prior to my arrival.; #larryshapiro;; #NorthMaineFPD; #firescene;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #NorthMaineFPD; #firescene;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #NorthMaineFPD; #firescene;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;; #NorthMaineFPD; #firescene;

Larry Shapiro photo

A brief video from Steve Redick


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House fire in Glenview, 7-27-22

Glenview firefighters were dispatched to 1701 Annapolis Drive in The Glen on Wednesday afternoon (7/27/22) at 3:30PM for a reported house fire. Companies arrived and had flames through the roof of a two-story, single-family house. A primary search of the premises was negative and a defensive attack was initiated that included several handlines in addition to elevated master streams from Glenview Truck 14 and Northbrook Tower 12 in the alley.

Heavy storms passed through the area roughly an hour before this fire was seen and there is the possibility of a lighting strike as the cause. The house had a cedar shake roof.

Companies assisting Glenview at the scene included Northbrook Tower 12, Winnetka Engine 28, Morton Grove Squad 4, Northfield Ambulance 29, and chief officers from the North Maine FPD and Morton Grove.; #GlenviewFD; #firefighters; #larryshapiro;

Larry Shapiro photo; #GlenviewFD; #firefighters; #larryshapiro;

Larry Shapiro photo; #GlenviewFD; #Pierce; #larryshapiro; ; #FireTruck; #hoselines

Larry Shapiro photo; #GlenviewFD; #Pierce; #larryshapiro; #FireTruck;

Larry Shapiro photo; #NorthbrookFD; #firefighters; #larryshapiro; #FireTruck

Larry Shapiro photo

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As seen around … Glenview

This from Chi-Town Fire Photos:

2021 Pierce Arrow XT with a 1500 GPM pump, 500 GWT and 50 GAL Class B foam cell carrying Pierce job #35501.; #FireTruck; #GlenviewFD; #Chi-TownFirePhotos; #Pierce; #ArrowXT;

Chi-Town Fire Photos; #FireTruck; #GlenviewFD; #Chi-TownFirePhotos; #Pierce; #ArrowXT;

Chi-Town Fire Photos

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New engine and truck for Glenview

From Macqueen Emergency FB

Thank you to the Glenview Fire Department for their recent order! Here are the drawings of their new Pierce Mfg Enforcer™ pumper and Enforcer™ Ascendant® 107′ heavy-duty aerial ladder. Special thanks to Deputy Fire Chief Mike Rutkowski and Firefighter Chris Blaksley for trusting us with your purchase!

drawing of Pierce Enforcer pumper for the Glenview Fire Department

click to download

drawing of Pierce Enforcer Ascendant aerial ladder for the Glenview Fire Department

click to download

thanks Danny

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Glenview Fire Department news

From Glenview Prof. Firefighters Assoc. IAFF Local 4186 @GlenviewFirefightersLocal4186:

Ambulance Service Restored! As of Sunday morning, our members are now staffing 3 ALS ambulances at all times. This positive change represents a restoration of a service that had been reduced since 2011. Our organization is thankful that Trustees and Management Team of the Village of Glenview chose to make this investment in order to improve public safety for our residents, visitors and businesses.

Glenview FD Ambulance 8

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