Archive for category New Listing

Bridgeview is added to the site

Bridgeview Fire Department patchThe addition of the Bridgeview Fire Department completes the entire list of departments now in MABAS Division 21. The following information is from Keith Grzadziel

MABAS Division 21
Oak Lawn Central  Dispatch – 155.5575 mhz
26 personnel (at this time & down 12)
2 full-time stations:
Bridgeview Fire Department Station 1

Bridgeview Fire Department Station 1. Larry Shapiro photo

•Station #1   7500 S. Oketo Ave. Bridgeview,  IL 60455

Engine Co. 416 (front line)

Engine Co. 425 (reserve)

Ambulance 417

Battalion 40 (Car 403)

Car 400

•Station #2    7350 W. 100th Pl. Bridgeview,  IL 60455

Engine Co. 405 (front line)

Engine Co. 415 (reserve)

Ambulance 406

Ambulance 426 (reserve)

Brush 407

Car 401 (spare pool)

Daily staffing is 9 personnel until we hire ????

5 @ Sta. #1( BC or Lt in car, 2 on Eng, 2 on Amb)

4 @ Sta.#2 (2 on Eng, 2 on Amb)

*Sta. #2 can drop down to 3 and act as a jump company.

Horton ambulance on GMC chassis
Spartan Metro Star Crimson fire engine

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Burbank is added to the site

Burbank Fire Department (IL) patchThe Burbank Fire Department has been added to MABAS Division 21. They have two stations and a fleet of suppression units on Spartan chassis. Two were built by Crimson (an engine and quint), two by General Safety (an engine and the squad), and one engine by Ferrara.

Burbank covers four square miles from two stations. They also have three ambulances, one of which is a reserve.




Burbank Fire Station

Partan Gladiator Classic Crimson 100' quint

Spartan Metro Star General Safety rescue squad

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Hanover Park is added to the site

Hanover Park Fire Department patchIn MABAS Division 12, the Hanover Park Fire Department has now been added to the site. They run out of two stations in addition to managing the city Department of Inspection Services with offices in the city hall.

They have four engines, one tower ladder, four medic units, a regional rehab unit, the brand new haz mat unit, and a bunch of support vehicles.





Hanover Park Fire Station

Hanover Park Fire Station 1. Larry Shapiro photo

Type I ambulance photo

Hanover Park Medic 381. Larry SHapiro photo

E-ONE fire engine

Hanover Park Engine 361. Larry Shapiro photo

ambulance used for rehab unit

Hanover Park Rehab 374. Larry Shapiro photo

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LaGrange Park is added to the site

LaGrange Park Fire Department patchLaGrange Park is in MABAS Division 10. They have two stations covering 2.3 square miles. Station 1 is staffed and Station 2 unmanned. Staffing is provided by four contract medics and 46 paid-on-call personnel. The fleet consists of three engines, a truck, an ambulance, and a utility buggy.

LTI fire truck

fire station photo

La Grange Park Fire Station 1. Larry Shapiro photo


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Forest View is added to the site

Forest View Fire Department patchThe Forest View Fire Department has been added to the departments in MABAS Division 10. They cover four square miles from one station with three carer and 19 part-time personnel. The fleet consists of one ambulance, two engines, and three support vehicles.

Forest View fire station

Forest View fire station. Larry Shapiro photo

Forest View fire engine


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Brookfield has been added to the site

Brookfield Fire Department headquarters

Brookfield Fire Department headquarters. Larry Shapiro photo

The Brookfield Fire department in MABAS Division 10 has been added to the site. 24 career firefighters cover 3 square miles from two stations. Their suppression fleet is all E-ONE and they have two ambulances from LifeLine.

Brookfield Fire Department ambulance Brookfield Fire Department ladder truck

One interesting note is Reserve Engine 412 was built in 1986 by E-ONE on a chassis by Kovatch (KME) who had recently purchased the Hendrickson fire chassis. The cab is an 1871-W from the Hendrickson line before Kovatch began building their own.

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Kankakee Township is added to the site

Kankakee Township FPD patchThe Kankakee Township FPD has been added to the site. Located in MABAS Division 7 in Kankakee County, they cover 18 square miles out of two stations. 18 paid-on-call firefighters have three engines, a tender, a brush truck, and a utility used as an EMS chase car.




Kankakee Township FPD Station 1.

Kankakee Township FPD Station 1. Karl Klotz photo

Kankakee Township FPD fire engine Kankakee Township FPD fire engine

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Oak Brook is added to the site

The Oak Brook Fire Department in MABAS Division 12 has been added to the site. They have two stations which are #93 and #94 as a result of the Dupage County renumbering. The suppression fleet has been all E-ONE until recently when they took delivery of a 2014 Pierce Arrow XT PUC quint for Ladder 94.


Oak Brook FD apparatus Oak Brook FD apparatus Oak Brook FD apparatus

32 career personnel cover just over 8 square miles, and they currently house Decon 12, formerly located at Carol Stream Station 27.




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Lombard is added to the site

Lombard_anniversary_Logo..DMThe Lombard Fire Department in MABAS Division 12 has been added to the site. Lombard is a career department covering just under 11 square miles from two stations. Their fleet consists of Pierce apparatus and Horton ambulances. They are currently celebrating 100 years of service.





Lombard FD apparatus Lombard FD apparatus


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Otto Township FPD added to the site

Otto Township FPD patchThe Otto Township FPD in MABAS Division 7 has been added to the site. They cover 44 square miles in Kankakee County with a staff of 25 paid-on-call personnel. They have three engines, two tenders, and a brush unit running out of two stations.





Otto Township FPD Station 1

Otto Township FPD Station 1. Karl Klotz photo

Otto Township FPD fire engine fire department water tender

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