Josh Boyajian sent some photos of a winter dive drill conducted today by the Lisle-Woodridge FPD at a Lisle Park District pond on Front Street. Four divers went into the water in an area where the ice was 7 inches thick. Squad 525 and Truck 517 were on location.
Posts Tagged training
The training opportunities continue at the O’Hare Modernization Property in Bensenville. This past week, firefighters from throughout the US were joined by firefighters from several other countries to learn techniques for Rapid Intervention Team deployment. The 40-hour course was run by RICOFIRERESCUE, Inc. founded by Lt. Mike Mason from the Downers Grove Fire Department. They used three separate structures with varying scenarios. Photos showing some of the training and setup on the final day can be seen on John Tulipano’s web page HERE and another gallery including a smoky video of a rescue can be seen on Larry Shapiro’s site HERE. The scenario for the video is a firefighter trapped from a floor collapse (the setup is shown in John’s gallery) with weak floor conditions prompting the RITs to breach a wall to reach the firefighter ‘Captain Black’. Of interest is that RIT 1 is a group of firefighters from France and RIT 2 is US (english speaking) firefighters. A bi-lingual instructor translates communications into French during the exercise so that everyone is able to communicate clearly.
MABAS Response Drill Photos
Aug 31
MABAS 90-90 Drill yesterday
Aug 27
MABAS-IL in conjunction with the IAFC and DHS conducted a multi-state MABAS response drill. The purpose of the drill was to assemble a minimum of 90 companies in 90 minutes at each of three reception sites in the Chicago metro area. The three reception sites were NIPSTA in Glenview, the Sears Center in Hoffman Estates and the First Midwest Theater (Formerly Tweeter) in Tinley Park. Each MABAS Task Force consists of:
1 chief
1 aid to the chief
3 engines
1 truck
1 squad
3 ambulances (ALS or BLS, private or municipal)
The task forces deployed were:
North/NIPSTA: 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 20, 29, 101, 102, 107, 109
West/Sears: 1, 2, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 30, 104
South/Tinley: 7, 15, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 207, 3501, 38/25(two IL divisions combined)
The 100-series divisions are from Wisconsin
The 200-series divisions are from Indiana
3501 is from Michigan.
Maps showing division locations are available at:
The staging of Task Force 109 (City of Milwaukee) with Task Force 9 (City of Chicago) marked the first time since the Great Chicago Fire that both departments had apparatus “working together at the same incident”.
This synopsis was provided by Drew Smith, Deputy Chief, Prospect Heights FD.
The MABAS Press Release follows:
Multi state MABAS drill
Aug 26
Today there was a multi-state MABAS drill to simulate the assembly of many companies in the event of a major disaster. Images and information about the event will be posted later this evening.