Posts Tagged Chicago Engine 125

Chicago Still Alarm fire 7-25-13

This from Eric Haak:

I was fairly close to this incident so I decided to take it in.  This is at least the second fire this month at this abandoned industrial building which is a block from Engine 125’s quarters.  This building has a row of old transom windows that open up along the length of the roof for ventilation which is where the fire was located this time.  When I arrived there were small flames burning across the length of the peak of this transom section.  The fire was knocked fairly quickly but companies stayed on scene for over an hour working to overhaul this entire section of the roof.  I am not sure but I believe the spare engine is Engine 68.  I believe Engine 125 was further in the complex and could not be seen from the street.


Chicago firefighters working

Eric Haak photo

Chicago firefighters working

Eric Haak photo

Chicago firefighters working

Eric Haak photo

Chicago firefighters working

Eric Haak photo

Chicago firefighters working

Eric Haak photo

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Chicago FD house fire 5-7-13

This from Dan Shevlin:

Stiil & Box Alarm 5814 Roscoe
Still Time : Approx 1410 hrs
Engine 94 reported the fire facing westbound & dropped 2 lines.  Truck 53 had sector 1 .  Engine 7 (2nd engine) took the hydrant at the northwest corner of Newport & Menard & lead out to the rear through the alley.  Engine 68 backed down from the east on Roscoe and dropped a line as well .  The FAO recieved several calls for the gazebo on fire in the rear.  The fire quickly spread to the rear of the Chicago bungalow, through the attic and to the exposure to the west.  I arrived well after the fire was out.  Thanks Dan Shevlin
Chicago FD Engine 125

Dan Shevlin photo

Chicago FD Engine 7

Dan Shevlin photo

Chicago FD Truck 13

Dan Shevlin photo

Chicago FD Engine 94

Dan Shevlin photo

Chicago FD Engine 94

Dan Shevlin photo

house fire in Chicago

Dan Shevlin photo

Chicago FD Engine 68

Dan Shevlin photo

Chicago FD Engine 68

Dan Shevlin photo

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Chicago Fire Department patch update

The first series of new patches added to the 2nd District includes four companies covering the 7th and 8th Battalions. All patches were submitted by Alexander Alexandrovski.

Chicago Fire Department Engine 76 patchHook & Ladder 35

Chicago Fire Department Squad 2 patchSquad 2

Chicago Fire Department Engine 68 patchEngine Company 68

Chicago Fire Department Engine 125 patchEngine  Company 125, Truck Company 53, Battalion 8

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