Archive for April 20th, 2013

What’s new … CFD

This from Dennis McGuire, Jr;

Spotted this at the Fabrication shop at 1344 W. 43rd. St.


new Chicago FD chassis

New chassis for unknown CFD unit at the city fabrication shops. Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo

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Area flooding images and video – April 2013

It would appear that many have some type of images detailing the massive flooding and damage caused by the recent storms, and although it is not entirely a fire service issue, we would welcome additional images or videos to share. Here, from Larry Shapiro,  are some images and a video illustrating a small area of the northwest suburbs including parts of Prospect Heights, Mount Prospect, Arlington Heights and Palatine.

Ever drive on Milwaukee Avenue under Palatine Road and wonder about those big green gates along the side of the road? … They were deployed for the first time on Thursday afternoon in anticipation of the Des Plaines River cresting in the area.

Road Closed due to flooding

A section of Willow Road in Prospect Heights is closed to traffic. Larry Shapiro photo

flooding in Prospect Heights

Hillcrest Drive at Willow Road in Prospect Heights. Larry Shapiro photo

Milwaukee Avenue flood gate

Closing the Army Corp of Engineers flood gates on Milwaukee Avenue at Palatine Road. Larry Shapiro photo

Milwaukee Avenue flood gate

The flood relief gates are locked into place across Milwaukee Avenue. Larry Shapiro photo


Milwaukee Avenue flood gate

When the bottom plates on the gates were lowered, they create a seal along the pavement. Larry Shapiro photo


industrial pump for flooded parking lot

Pump setup to remove water from a housing complex along River Road. Larry Shapiro photo

building a levee in Mount Prospect

Stacking jersey barriers to create a barrier along a flooded section of River Road in Mount Prospect. Larry Shapiro photo

building a levee in Mount Prospect

The jersey barriers are wrapped with Visqueen and weighted down with sand bags. Larry Shapiro photo

building a levee in Mount Prospect

Crews build a temporary levee along River Road in Mount Prospect. Larry Shapiro photo

flooded roads are closed

Apple Drive and Plaza Drive in Prospect Heights. Larry Shapiro photo

flooded lake in Palatine IL

Twin Lakes golf course in Palatine along Route 53. Larry Shapiro photo

More images showing the jersey barrier levee construction and the flood gate deployment can be viewed HERE.

Army Corp of Engineers projects for the Des Plaines River:



Water Resources Development Act 1999 (Public Law 106-53)

Project Decription:

The Des Plaines River has a long history of flooding that has caused significant economic losses.  The maximum flood of record occurred in September 1986 with an estimated $35 million in damage to 10,000 dwellings and 263 business and industrial sites.  More than 15,000 residents were evacuated from the flooded area and seven lives were lost.  Severe impacts to transportation networks were also identified in this area of 33 municipalities along 67 miles of river in two counties. The flood damage reduction project consists of six structural elements:  two levees, two expansions of existing reservoirs, one lateral storage area and one dam modification.  The levee projects include a flood warning system.  Work involves construction of the Mount Prospect/Prospect Heights Levee, also known as Levee 37; the Rand Park Levee, also known as Levee 50; the Buffalo Creek Reservoir expansion; the Big Bend Lake expansion; the Van Patten Woods lateral storage area; and the North Fork Mill Creek dam modification.


Total Project Cost:   $ 103,000,000
Federal Cost:   $ 67,000,000
Non-Federal Cost:   $ 36,000,000

Current Status:

Construction of Levee 37 is substantially complete as of April 15, 2012.  The regulated 600′ gap will be closed by the Levee 37 Gaps and Closures contract once MWRDGC completes construction of the compensatory storage facility at Heritage Park in Wheeling, IL.  This is currently scheduled to happen at the end of 2013 or beginning of 2014.  Chicago District is currently working on finishing the plans for the Gaps and Closures contract while also working on plans and specifications for Van Patten Woods Lateral Storage and Big Bend lake expansion.  Right now the main work is in coordinating with the respective land owners, Forest Preserve District of Cook County and Lake County Forest Preserve District.


Water Resources Development Act 1999, Section 419

Project Description:

The Des Plaines River flows from southeast Wisconsin to northeast Illinois.  It is 67 miles long, flowing through 33 municipalities.  There is frequent flooding.  In 1986, the flood of record occurred and affected 15,000 residents, their dwellings and businesses, as well as the area’s transportation network. This study expands the area of concern from the mainstem in Illinois to include the entire Upper Des Plaines watershed comprised of 15 tributaries in Illinois and Wisconsin.  In addition to flood risk management, the purpose of this study also includes ecosystem restoration, water quality, and recreation features. There are over 43 municipalities in the watershed that contend with flood damages from the Des Plaines River and tributaries.  Recent flood events include May 2004, August 2007, September 2008 and December 2008, which resulted in significant flood damages and disaster declarations.  The Phase II study has three primary objectives: further reduction of main stem flooding; reduction of tributary flooding; and environmental restoration of degraded ecosystems within the basin.  The study will consider sites located within tributary watersheds and along the main stem for both Flood Risk Management (FRM) and Ecosystem Restoration (ER) potential.  The effects of FRM sites within tributary watersheds on main stem flooding will be evaluated.


Total Project Cost:   $ 12,944,000
Federal Cost:   $ 6,713,000
Non-Federal Cost:   $ 6,231,000

Current Status:
An updated version of the Alternative Formulation Briefing Document was submitted for review on December 14, 2012.  This version resolves some policy issues and combines the document into one volume rather than being split into 5 separate volumes.  This new version should complete review in February, which should lead to a public release of the document in the near future.

Please check back later for public release of the feasibility study.


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Streamwood Fire Station

This from Tyler Tobolt:

Here is a photo of Streamwood Station #3 (Headquarters) at 1095 East Schaumburg Rd – Engine 33, Ambulance 33, Haz-Mat 33, Battalion 9 are housed here

Streamwood Fire Station 3

Streamwood Fire Station 3. Tyler Tobolt photo

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Historic CFD radio traffic: 3-11 Alarm Century Lumber 6-6-78

This from Steve Redick; Century Lumber fire at Diversey and Clybourn, June 6, 1978 went to a 3-11:

Here’s a real blast from the past. I recorded this using a plain old cassette recorder and microphone held up to the scanner speaker while I was living at my grandparent’s house. It has held up pretty well over the years. I recognize Art Benker on the main radio at the start of the fire, and the Division Marshal was Joe Brichetto, my dad’s boss when he was in the 10th battalion. You can hear the water task force and the fireboat as well as some talk about Big John and Little John … ahhh those were the days …


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