Archive for April 2nd, 2013

Chicago Still Alarm fire – CFD fire trucks

This from Steve Redick:

A few shots from 1043 in a truss roof repair shop..had real potential for being a more serious fire…

Chicago FD Command Van

Command Van 2-7-1. Steve Redick photo

Chicago FD Battalion 1

CFD Battalion 1. Steve Redick photo

Chicago FD Battalion 3

CFD Battalion 3. Steve Redick photo

Chicago FD Engine 5 Spartan Crimson

CFD Engine 5. Steve Redick photo

Chicago FD Engine 14 Spartan Crimson

CFD Engine 14. Steve Redick photo

Chicago FD Engine 42 Spartan Crimson

CFD Engine 42 on a hydrant. Steve Redick photo

Chicago FD Engine 42 Spartan Crimson

Another view of Engine 42. Steve Redick photo

Chicago Fire Department Snorkel Squad 1

Squad 1 on the scene. Steve Redick photo

Chicago FD Pierce ladder truck

CFD Truck 2. Steve Redick photo

CFD Truck 3 with ladder to the roof

Truck 3 laddered the roof. Steve Redick photoChic

ground ladders at fire scene

Steve Redick photo


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Multi-vehicle, multi-victim MVA in Wheeling 3-28-13 (pt 2)

This from Deputy Chief Drew Smith with regards to the multi-vehilce accident last week on Palatine Road:

Prospect Heights and Wheeling FDs have a joint response for incidents on Palatine Road. A unified command structure ensures a timely response regardless of jurisdiction. For the entire three miles that the junior expressway (IDOT term) runs east-west it goes in and out of the two towns sometimes in one, then the other, or it serves as the border. There are also four bridges and only three interchanges where access can be gained. When RED Center receives a 9-1-1 call of an incident, a dual response is dispatched with each department approaching the scene from opposite directions. This is to ensure that should traffic prevent access from one direction, the other companies can get to the crash quickly. Once one company is on scene, the location can be verified and the appropriate apparatus can continue in or be returned. When reported as a pin-in, the additional extrication companies are to stage before entering Palatine Road and wait for the first company to verify where to approach from. I have attached a map showing the three grids and where companies approach from.

Grid 923

Grid 3923

Grid 3924


Entry Point


Entry Point


Entry Point

A9, E9

A23, E23


Wheeling Rd.

A9, E39

A23, E23

Wolf Rd.

Wheeling Rd.

A9, E39

A24, E24

Wolf Rd.

Milwaukee Ave.

For a pin-in add PH E39 or Sq. 9 and Wheeling E24 and the Wheeling squad or truck plus PH and Wheeling chiefs.


Prospect Heights FPD grid map for Palatine Road

Prospect Heights FPD nS Wheeling FD grid map for Palatine Road joint responses.

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