Archive for April 15th, 2013

Palatine apartment fire 4-15-13

This from the Palatine Fire Department:

On Monday, April 15, 2013 at 5:09 P.M., the Palatine Fire Department responded to a second floor apartment fire with reports of children trapped inside.  Palatine police officers arrived first and confirmed one occupant was still unaccounted for.  The first arriving fire department units found fire, heavy heat and smoke as they entered the apartment.  As one fire crew worked to extinguish the fire, another crew searched the two bedroom apartment and found a conscious, 13 year old female trapped in a bathroom behind a closed door.  The victim was carried from the building and immediately taken to Northwest Community Hospital for medical care.  The fire was under control within 20 minutes and was contained to a single apartment.  The apartment was heavily damaged and deemed uninhabitable but no other apartments were affected.  The cause of the fire is under investigation by the Palatine Fire Department and the damage is estimated at $75,000.

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New ambulance for Oak Park

This from Dan McInerney:

2012 Ford F-450/2013 Medtec Type I in service as amb 613 out of sta.1 This will replace the old 614 a 2003 Ford E-450/2004 Type III Wheeled Coach



Oak Park FD Ambulance 613

New 2012 Ford F-450/2013 Medtec Type I for Oak park Ambulance 613. Dan McInerney photo

Oak Park FD Ambulance 613

Oak Park has three ambulances in their downtown headquarters station. Previously they were all Type III units. Dan McInerney photo

Oak Park FD Ambulance 613

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New ambulance for Lemont

This from Martin Nowak:


Lemont Fire District ambulance

New Medtec ambulance running as 924 in Lemont. 2012 Ford F-450 chassis and 2013 Medtec Type I box. martin Nowak photo

Lemont Fire District ambulance

Rear of Lemont’s new Ambulance 924 with lower chevron striping. martin Nowak photo

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Will County dispatch changes

This from Bill Friedrich:

On or about April 15th, the five fire districts being dispatched by the Lincoln-Way Public Safety Communications Center will be changing their apparatus numbers. This will affect their radio call signs as well. The apparatus number will match the station number as follows:

  • Apparatus out of East Joliet Station number 1 will carry the designation of East Joliet Station #53
  • Apparatus out of East Joliet Station number 2 will carry the designation of East Joliet Station #52
  • Apparatus out of East Joliet Station number 3 will carry the designation of East Joliet Station #51
  • Apparatus out of New Lenox Station number 1 will carry the designation of  New Lenox Station #61
  • Apparatus out of New Lenox Station number 2 will carry the designation of  New Lenox Station #62
  • Apparatus out of New Lenox Station number 3 will carry the designation of  New Lenox Station #63
  • Apparatus out of New Lenox Station number 4 will carry the designation of New Lenox Station #64
  • Apparatus out of Frankfort Station number 1 will carry the designation of  Frankfort Station #71
  • Apparatus out of Frankfort Station number 2 will carry the designation of  Frankfort Station #72
  • Apparatus out of Frankfort Station number 3 will carry the designation of  Frankfort Station #73
  • Apparatus out of Frankfort Station number 4 will carry the designation of  Frankfort Station #74
  • Apparatus out of Frankfort Station number 5 will carry the designation of  Frankfort Station #75
  • Apparatus out of Manhattan Station number 1 will carry the designation of  Manhattan Station #81
  • Apparatus out of Manhattan Station number 2 will carry the designation of  Manhattan Station #82
  • Apparatus out of Manhattan Station number 1 will carry the designation of Manhattan Station #83
  • Apparatus out of Mokena Station number 1 will carry the designation of Mokena Station #91
  • Apparatus out of Mokena Station number 2 will carry the designation of Mokena Station #92
  • Apparatus out of Mokena Station number 3 will carry the designation of Mokena Station #93

The way this will work is an engine responding from Station #81 will have a radio call sign of Manhattan Engine 81. An ambulance responding from Station #93 will have a radio call sign of Mokena Ambulance 93. A chief responding from Station #71 will have a radio call sign of Frankfort Chief 71.

The new numbering system and radio call sign change will be for all responses, including all mutual aid responses. If you are in Will County, you will not have to change any of your recommends, since these changes are made in the county CAD and will reflect in your recommends as well.

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