This from Steve Redick:
Audio PlayerYou can hear a young Steve Redick in parts of this one.
previous recording is HERE
Apr 12
Posted by Admin in Fire Department History, Historic FD radio trafic | Comments off
This from Steve Redick:
Audio PlayerYou can hear a young Steve Redick in parts of this one.
previous recording is HERE
Tags: 5-11 Alarm fire in Chicago 1-10-82, Chicago Fire Department history,, historic audio from 5-11 Alarm fire in Chicago, vintage audio recording from 1982, vintage audio recording from a 5-11 Alarm fire in Chicago, vintage Chicago Fire Department radio traffic from January 10 1982
Mar 31
Posted by Admin in Fire Department History, Historic FD radio trafic | 1 Comment
This from Steve Redick:
Audio PlayerI was due to work in the FAO this day and my boss Jack Turner called me at 0430 hours to tell me to try and get my car started due to the 26 below temps. In those days you showed up to work no matter what. On the way in we stopped by the fire at 1244 N. Wells and it was so cold I could barely stand it. No photos, took a quick look and on to work. Some of the voices you will hear on this recording: FAO Ken Little, George Mazurek, Joe Pavlik, Jeff Rodrigues, and Phil McMahon. On Truck 10 the late Ray Hoff, driving the 3rd Battalion Bob Welch, and Tom Wagner as Battalion 27A. 744 Dennis Goralski and 477 Ed Karas. Interesting to note there was a 2-11 prior to the start of the recording at 2930 Broadway. This was the start to an unbelievable fire day.
Tags: 5-11 Alarm fire in Chicago 1-10-82, historic audio from 5-11 Alarm fire in Chicago, vintage audio recording from a 5-11 Alarm fire in Chicago
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