Posts Tagged Hendrickson chassis fire truck

Dixmoor Fire Department history

This from Mike Summa for #TBT:

For TBT- Dixmoor’s E2403, a 1984 Hendrickson/Pierreville 1500/750.  Delivered in white with a blue stripe.  Repainted later black over red.
Mike Summa
Dixmoor FD history

Mike Summa photo

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Worth Fire Department history

This from Mike Summa:

Remembering the Worth Fire Department.  This is a 1978 Hendrickson/Pirsch 1500/500.  Engine #6703.  Just wanted to share,
Thank you,
Mike S.
Worth Fire Department Hendrickson Pirsch fire engine

Remembering the Worth Fire Department. This is a 1978 Hendrickson/Pirsch 1500/500. Engine #6703. Mike Summa photo

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Brookfield has been added to the site

Brookfield Fire Department headquarters

Brookfield Fire Department headquarters. Larry Shapiro photo

The Brookfield Fire department in MABAS Division 10 has been added to the site. 24 career firefighters cover 3 square miles from two stations. Their suppression fleet is all E-ONE and they have two ambulances from LifeLine.

Brookfield Fire Department ambulance Brookfield Fire Department ladder truck

One interesting note is Reserve Engine 412 was built in 1986 by E-ONE on a chassis by Kovatch (KME) who had recently purchased the Hendrickson fire chassis. The cab is an 1871-W from the Hendrickson line before Kovatch began building their own.

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Down memory lane …

This from Steve Redick:

I was doing some scanning from the “wayback” files and found a few you might like to see…

The first was a huge pile of RR ties in Bensenville that burned for hours and hours..early 80s. Got some rig shots including the old Bensenville International Squad rig..I remember at this fire the oxygen levels near it got low and one fireman started acting very erratically til they got him into better atmosphere..very strange but no one thought of using masks at an outside fire back then.

I got a lot of interest in the Elk Grove tiller shot too…..

Found a coupla shots of some Mt Prospect rigs, and the Wood Dale truck

Also a fire in a trailer in Morton Grove at the old OCC site (Oakton Community College)

All these should be from the early 80s and shot on Kodacolor negative film…


Bensenville Fire Department history

Bensenville engine. Steve Redick photo

Railroad ties on fire in the 1980s.

Railroad ties on fire in the 1980s. Steve Redick photo

Wood Dale Fire Department history

Wood Dale Pirsch ladder truck. Steve Redick photo

Railroad ties on fire in the 1980s.

Railroad ties on fire in the 1980s. Steve Redick photo

Bensenville squad. Steve Redick photo

Bensenville squad. Steve Redick photo

Elmhurst Fire Department history

Elmhurst Mack CF engine. Steve Redick photo

Elmhurst Fire Department history

Another shot of the Elmhurst engine. Steve Redick photo

Leyden Township FPD history

Leyden Township Hendrickson/FMC engine. Steve Redick photo

Elk Grove Village Fire Department history

Elk Grove Village Pirsch TDA. Steve Redick photo

Mount Prospect Fire Department history

Mount Prospect American LaFrance engine. Steve Redick photo

Mount Prospect Fire Department history

Mount Prospect American LaFrance engine. Steve Redick photo

Mount Prospect Fire Department history

Mount Prospect squad 543. Steve Redick photo

Morton Grove Fire Department history

Morton Grove engine with burned out trailer. Steve Redick photo



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Chicago FD History – Morita 135′ Ladder

This from Bill Friedrich on the one-of-a-kind 135′ Hendrickson/Pierce/Morita ladder in Chicago

Here is a shot of Truck 2’s old house at 540 W.  Washington Blvd.  Truck 2  was scheduled to get the new Hendrickson/Pierce/Morita that did not fit.    I am also attaching photos of (EF-197), the 1974 Hendrickson – Pierce – Morita Aerial Lift  (Pierce # 8276-C). You have a good view of the aerial itself as well as the ground ladder storage.   I am also sending a parade photo showing where the ff’s rode on the back step.
When they realized the height of the ladder would not fit the doors, they exchanged rigs with Truck 1 (EF-192), a  1972 Alfco 1000 Series Ladder Chief.
I am trying to locate a shot of the company showing Hook & Ladder 2.
Chicago Fire Department Truck 1 Morita Ladder

Chicago Truck 1 (EF-197), a 1974 Hendrickson 1871/Pierce/Morita 135’Ladder. BIll Friedrich photo

Chicago Fire Department Truck 1 Morita Ladder

Chicago Truck 1 (EF-197), a 1974 Hendrickson 1871/Pierce/Morita Ladder. BIll Friedrich photo

Chicago Fire Department fire house for Truck 2

Truck 2’s house at 540 W. Washington Boulevard. Bill Friedrich photo

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