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Former Chicago fire truck in Florida
thanks Scott
Found on Facebook:
Former Chicago fire truck in Florida
thanks Scott
Production photos of the Rosenbauer Commander ACP-55 for the Evergreen Park Fire Department
Evergreen Park FD photo
Evergreen Park FD photo
Evergreen Park FD photo
Evergreen Park FD photo
Evergreen Park FD photo
Evergreen Park FD photo
Evergreen Park FD photo
Evergreen Park FD photo
Tags:, Evergreen Park FD orders Rosenbauer ACP-55 Cobra Articulating Platform, Evergreen Park Fire Department, Evergreen Park Snorkel Squad 3, fire truck being built by Rosenbauer, fire truck being built for Evergreen Park
Dec 30
Posted by Admin in Reader submission | 3 Comments
This from the fleetguy:
Update on the new building for CFD Fleet on 69th & Wentworth pic by Fleetguy
Update on the new building for CFD Fleet on 69th & Wentworth pic by Fleetguy
Update on the new building for CFD Fleet on 69th & Wentworth pic by Fleetguy
Update on the new building for CFD Fleet on 69th & Wentworth pic by Fleetguy
Tags: Chicago Fire Department Fleet Maintenance Facilities, new building for CFD Fleet on 69th & Wentworth, new Chicago 2FM building
This from Dennis McGuire, Jr.:
Found this photo on Facebook from August 2018 of X-Crestwood, Illinois truck sitting out near Cairo, Illinois where it once served.
Found this photo on Facebook from August 2018 of X-Crestwood, Illinois truck sitting out near Cairo, Illinois where it once served.
Tags: Crestwood FIre Department, former Crestwood fire truck in a grassy field, retired Seagrave fire truck
You are currently browsing the archives for Sunday, December 30th, 2018
For the finest department portraits and composites contact Tim Olk or Larry Shapiro.
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