Archive for January 22nd, 2016

Former Prospect Heights FPD chief passes away

Prospect Heights FPD Fire Chief Donald Gould SR

Former Prospect Heights FPD Fire Chief Donald Gould, Sr. Prospect Heights FPD photo

Prospect Heights FPD Fire Chief Donald Gould SR

Prospect Heights FPD Fire Chief Donald Gould SR

Prospect Heights FPD photo

Prospect Heights FPD Fire Chief Donald Gould SR

Prospect Heights FPD photo

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General Alarm in Woodridge, 1-21-16

This from Josh Boyajian:

Lisle Woodridge FPD had a working fire Thursday night in a two-story townhouse at 16 Wood Sorrel Place in Woodridge. Companies had smoke showing on arrival. Tower 53 went to the roof and Engine 52 had a line lead out to the first floor. Companies made a quick aggressive attack and knocked the fire within a couple minutes. Here are some shots.
townhouse fire at night

Josh Boyajian photo

townhouse fire at night

Josh Boyajian photo

Lisle-Woodridge FPD fire truck at fire scene

Josh Boyajian photo

Lisle-Woodridge FPD fire truck at fire scene

Josh Boyajian photo

Lisle-Woodridge FPD fire truck at fire scene

Josh Boyajian photo

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Lake County Indiana MABAS update (more)

This from Brad Steinweg:

I have come across a few articles on the page regarding Lake County (IN) switching to a consolidated channel. I have gotten the frequencies for these channels. There are 2 channels that do the dispatching; 154.815 and 154.445, however I have received more traffic over 154.815 so I’m unsure if the second frequency is a backup. For MABAS incidents they use the IFERN frequency 154.265. I believe Hammond and Gary may have private channels, as I have not picked up any traffic from them.

-Brad S.

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New pumper/squad for Deerfield-Bannockburn (more)

This from Larry Shapiro:

Here are shots of the new 2015 Pierce Dash CF PUC 1250/750/40 (so 28838) for Deerfield-Bannockburn FPD Squad 19.

Pierce Dash CF PUC rescue pumper

Deerfield-Bannockburn FPD Squad 19, a 2015 Pierce Dash CF PUC 1250/750/40 rescue pumper. Larry Shapiro photo

Pierce Dash CF PUC rescue pumper

Larry Shapiro photo

fire truck with hydraulic tools in the front bumper

Larry Shapiro photo

new graphics for the Deerfield-Bannockburn apparatus

New graphics for the Deerfield-Bannockburn units. Larry Shapiro photo

rooftop storage on fire engine

Larry Shapiro photo

Pierce Dash CF PUC rescue pumper

Larry Shapiro photo

More photos are at

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