The McCook Fire Department responded to an industrial fire this afternoon (Monday) at 9550 Joliet Road. They encountered fire inside a tool manufacturing facility and upgraded the alarm to a Full Still bringing aid from the Pleasantview and Tristate Fire Protection District, Brookfield and Lyons Fire Departments. Evidently while an employee was welding, sparks or embers traveling into a vent ignited the filter. Flames then spread to nearby pallets.
The fire was contained to a relatively small area and produced a significant amount of smoke throughout the plant. McCook called for the new MABAS Division 10 Mobile Ventilation Unit housed in Lyons to help clear the facility.
Tim Olk was … on the scene shortly after the fire came out and submitted several images.
#1 by John on February 8, 2012 - 8:54 AM
Tri – State did not make any commitment , they are just doing what they are told by their incompetent administration. I guess some people just love to hear themselves talk on the radio.
#2 by mike on February 5, 2012 - 4:04 PM
John cool of and quit crying about the “all belted”. Seat belts and the non usage in the fire service is a very serious issue especially because we have had several fatalities that were close to home. I don’t work for Tri-State but fully support their “all belted” The department and it’s members have made a commitment to themselves, the people they swore to protect and their families to do the right thing. So the simple answer is if you don’t like hearing it on the radio, don’t listen.
#3 by ffpm571 on February 4, 2012 - 12:50 PM
I have to agree the “all belted ” is pretty silly since most rigs now days have a warning if its not done. Its some safety officers big idea.
The ” patient contact ” has a use. It is to document when the care started for EMS runs. We do it for that reason. Sorry that it takes up 3 seconds of your valuable scanner time..
#4 by Michael W. on February 3, 2012 - 4:25 PM
Wow John…me thinks you’re the grumpy, do-nothing grizzly in your station.
I’m SOOO terribly sorry you have to listen to a half second of radio traffic, twice every run. I’m on another department on their frequency, and it doesn’t bother me. It causes some good natured ribbing, but in the end IT DOESN’T MATTER. Also I, for one, value the “patient contact” radio traffic. It’s another piece of documentation to have available. I find it especially valuable in the large office buildings or nursing homes we have in our district.
I’m sorry we’re not all as perfect as you.
And it’s not as though Fire West is an extremely busy frequency….even when it does get a bit clogged, 90% of the runs are EMS or bull**** AFAs, it’s not like our departments burn every day.
#5 by John on February 2, 2012 - 10:57 PM
Hey John, Get over yourself. Be thankful you have a job at a fire dept. I was just recently hired somewhere and I thank God for it every day.
#6 by Martin on February 2, 2012 - 11:31 AM
Okay, Thanks
#7 by John on February 1, 2012 - 10:19 PM
Really ?? We have to listen to their useless banter because one guy could not wear his seat belt? Tri- State is not afraid of getting sued. Last year their own union sued the administration twice, over insurance. That why every union member received $2500 “signing bonus”. Basically payed off not to take further legal action against the district. This costing tax payer over $100,000 The whole thing stinks !! Just knock it off !!! Its 2012 use the MDT, talk on the radio only when necessary !! No more “all belted”. Do get me started with “patient contact”. You know who you are.
#8 by Michael W. on February 1, 2012 - 4:40 PM
John–It’s all a liability thing. Ever since their old 529 struck a car and a FF was injured (albeit a very minor injury) due to not wearing his belt, the FD is doing anything they can to avoid getting sued. So, if a FF gets hurt in a MVA because he wasn’t wearing his belt, TSFD can say “well the officer acknowledged they were all belted” and shift the responsibility for the injury onto the officer….under the premise that the LT or Capt. violated department policy but not making sure the member was belted.
#9 by Tim Olk on February 1, 2012 - 7:13 AM
There Are 3 Mabas 1 Wheeling Mabas 10 Lyons Mabas 27 Crete
#10 by John on January 31, 2012 - 9:14 PM
When will Tri – State stop saying “all belted” ??? its getting so old !! Are you that dumb that you can’t properly use your seat belt.
#11 by Keith Grzadziel on January 31, 2012 - 5:00 PM
Martin, MABAS Division21 does not have a MVU at this time and probably won’t because of Division 10’s close proximity.
#12 by Martin on January 31, 2012 - 1:05 PM
Does MABAS 21 have a MVU? If so, where is it housed?