Archive for July 8th, 2022

As seen around … Roselle

This from Tim Right:

Roselle new rescue 64; #RoselleFD; #FireTruck

Tim Right photo


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Of interest … ambulance donated to Ukraine

Excerpts from

The El Paso Emergency Squad in Woodford County posted on its Facebook page that a former El Paso EMS ambulance was delivered and crossed the border into Ukraine.

The ambulance has more than 200,000 miles on its odometer, and it’s filled with donated donated medical supplies.

EMS crews in Ukraine will decide where and how to use the El Paso ambulance.

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Ambulance remount for Hazel Crest

From Crossroads Ambulance Sales and Service, LLC:

The Hazel Crest Fire & Rescue Medwerks ambulance remount from Alexis Fire Equipment Company is ready for dismount as interior work begins and then off to paint!; #HazelCrestFD; #ambulance;

Crossroads Ambulance photo; #HazelCrestFD; #ambulance;

Crossroads Ambulance photo; #HazelCrestFD; #ambulance;

Crossroads Ambulance photo; #HazelCrestFD; #ambulance;

Crossroads Ambulance photo; #HazelCrestFD; #ambulance;

Crossroads Ambulance photo

thanks Martin

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