Saying goodbye to Huntley FPD Deputy Chief Albert W Schlick III

Tim Olk photo
Jan 13
Posted by Admin in Fire Department Funeral, Fire Department News | 2 Comments
From the City of Evanston:
The men and women of the Evanston Fire Department would like to extend a sincere thank you to Chief Brian Scott for his years of dedicated service and leadership. The Evanston Fire Department is better today than the day he was hired in large part due to his vision, leadership, and unbelievable work ethic.
His leadership started impacting our department from the moment he was hired. Chief Scott helped shape our operations and training through committee leadership and further molded our department as Local 742’s president and ultimately our fire chief.
Brian Scott’s fingerprints are found throughout EFD and the City of Evanston. By working tirelessly as Local 742’s president during the 2010 layoffs, he played an instrumental role in regaining the best services possible for the citizens of Evanston. As the fire chief, Brian’s leadership has earned the department an ISO Class 1 rating, EFD has implemented an apprenticeship program for future firefighters, and started a community based para-medicine program called (ECHO). Today, the members of the Evanston Fire Department are able to serve the people of Evanston to the best of our abilities because of his vision and leadership.
While it is difficult to see you go, we’d like to thank Chief Scott for leaving EFD better than he found it.
Tags: Evanston fire chief retires, Evanston Fire Department, Evanston Fire Department Chief Brian Scott
Jan 13
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News, Fire Truck photos, New Delivery | 1 Comment
From the Evanston Fire Department Facebook page:
We are proud to announce that the EFD will take delivery of this 2006 Pierce Dash ladder truck in the next two weeks. This truck is replacing our 30 year old and very tired reserve ladder truck. This truck previously served the Lisle-Woodridge Fire Protection District. Many thanks go out to Battalion Chief Bill Muno, the Foreign Fire Tax Board, Fleet Services, and the City Council for supporting this purchase. The purchase price is being split between the Foreign Fire Tax Board and the city. #evanstonfire
Evanston FD photo
Tags: 2006 Pierce Dash ladder truck, Evanston FD buys new reserve ladder truck, Evanston Fire Department, former Lisle-Woodridge Fire Protection District aerial ladder truck purchased by Evanston, new home for Lisle-Woodridge FD ladder truck
Jan 13
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News, Fire truck being built | 1 Comment
From Bill; Schreiber:
Ashkum FPD Rosenbauer Warrior pumper chassis update
Rosenbauer photo
Tags: Ashkum Fire Department, Ashkum Fire Protection District,, fire engine being built, fire truck being built, Rosenbauer fire engine being built, Rosenbauer Warrior chassis being built
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