Archive for February 27th, 2015

Working fire in Palatine, 2/26/15

022615 920 E Northwest Hwy

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Working fire in Park Ridge, 2/27/15

This from Steve Redick:

This am … temp at zero … basement fire that went defensive for a few minutes. The only significance of these images is the Niles tower ladder that just went in service a day or so ago and this is the first worker it has been to.


small house on fire in the winter

Steve Redick photo

Niles FD Tower Ladder 2 Pierce Dash CF PUC

Steve Redick photo

Park Ridge FD E-ONE fire engine

Steve Redick photo

Niles FD Tower Ladder 2 Pierce Dash CF PUC

Steve Redick photo

Morton Grove FD Squad 4

Steve Redick photo

small house fire in Park Ridge IL

Steve Redick photo

firemen at a winter house fire

Steve Redick photo

Niles FD Tower 2

Steve Redick photo

fire engine with hose off the rear

Steve Redick photo

fire hydrant buried by snow

Steve Redick photo

SpartanERV fire engine North Maine FPD

Steve Redick photo

fireman at hydrant buried by snow

Steve Redick photo

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Grain elevator conflagration of 1939 (more)

More from Steve Redick:

Here is the next installment. Details about FD dispatch and operations as well as a great two-page spread of the overall scene showing all the Ahrens Fox pumpers drafting. A one-of-a-kind historical event. … there’s still more to come

Grain Elevator Conflagration of 1939

Grain Elevator Conflagration of 1939

Grain Elevator Conflagration of 1939

Grain Elevator Conflagration of 1939

Grain Elevator Conflagration of 1939

Grain Elevator Conflagration of 1939

Grain Elevator Conflagration of 1939

Grain Elevator Conflagration of 1939

historic photo showing Chicago FD Ahrens Fox pumpers at a huge fire

Chicago FD Ahrens Fox engines pumping at the Grain Elevator Conflagration of 1939

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