Steve Redick took in a fire on Thursday morning and had the following to say about it:
One of the benefits of working the goofy hours I do is being on the street at off-peak times. On the way in last night I was able to make a quick stop at this working still…2-1/2 story frame, vacant, and well involved upon CFD arrival. An exposure problem with exposure two and they were setting up the Snorkel. I arrived in pretty good time but they had already given it a good whack. Squad 5 was positioned in the vacant lot, but from I could tell was not used as a master stream. They had just gotten off the roof, but it was nice to see truck 51’s new Crimson at work. I noticed Truck 18 was running with a lettered spare..but it was a Pierce in really good shape..kind’a surprising. I only had a coupl’a minutes so I had to shoot and run….
#1 by Breyden wyman on December 8, 2011 - 5:36 PM
No when Chicago was given those 2001 and 2002 spartan luvernes e 92 was spost to get one because they were running in a mack by that time and so they found the frieghliner and they city got that one for free and they gave it to e 92.
#2 by Dan on December 4, 2011 - 6:53 PM
Free? As in “we give you a truck, and you buy more from us later?”
#3 by Breyden wyman on December 3, 2011 - 10:27 PM
Yes engine 92 is still running in a frieghtliner which was a free rig
#4 by Bill on December 3, 2011 - 10:25 PM
E92 still has the freightliner, but it might be replaced in the near future. I work down the street from the firehouse and earlier this year they had to run with the former ’01 E122 for several weeks. Some of the FF’s there said the shops were having a hard time getting parts for the rig and from what they were told they’d be getting a new rig. It makes sense since E23’s 2000 ALF, like E92 is, has been replaced, but seeing the two engines on order now are assigned it could be some time before the last non Spartan/Luverne/HME/Crimson is replaced.
#5 by Dan on December 3, 2011 - 1:17 PM
OT- Is engine 92 still running that freightliner? Why did they end up with that engine to begin with? Just curious..
#6 by chris on December 2, 2011 - 5:40 PM
that truck will most likely stay a spare just like the engines 122 and 82 had were 01 or 02 and they both remained spares even though they could have gone to 50 or an als rig using a98 or 99 hme.
#7 by Bill Post on December 2, 2011 - 12:05 PM
Those are interesting shots that Steve took. The spare Pierce truck (he noticed) that Truck 18 was using was probably Truck 42’s former rig as Truck 42 had recently received a new Spartan Crimson. Whether Truck 42’s “old rig” will be a “permanent spare” or whether it eventually is reassigned to another truck company is a good question as there are several truck companies with older rigs. Seven trucks are using 2000 E/Ones and Trucks 47 and 52 are using the original two Pierce trucks that are also listed as 2000 models. Truck 42’s old rig is a 2002 model.
Engine 50’s rig is currently the oldest front line engine in service in Chicago. It is a 1995 model Spartan Luverne that was reassigned from Engine 89 when they were given Engine 5’s old rig.