Posts Tagged Lagrange Fire Department

new engine for Lagrange

Josh Boyajian found these images on the Ferrara website showing the completion of the LaGrange engine:

Lagrange Fire Department engine being built

Ferrara photo

Lagrange Fire Department engine being built

Ferrara photo

Lagrange Fire Department engine being built

Ferrara photo

Lagrange Fire Department engine being built

Ferrara photo

This from Bill Friedrich:

Here is the delivered shot of Engine 1111. It was shown in Peoria two weeks ago and was delivered already.

Lagrange Fire Department Engine 1111 Ferrara MVP pumper

Lagrange Fire Department Engine, a 1111 Ferrara MVP pumper. It has a 1,500-GPM pump with 1,000 gallons of water. The shop order number is H-5010. Ron Heal photo

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New engine for Lagrange

A reader submitted the following information about Lagrange’s new Ferrara engine.

  • 2012 MVP Heavy rescue pumper
  • 450 hp  cummins engine
  • EMS compartment with interior/exterior access
  • 1500 gpm 1000 tank 20 gal foam
  • painted rollup doors
new Ferrara engine for Larange Fire Department

source unknown

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Local apparatus from Ferrara

Martin Nowak spotted two area engines being built by Ferrara.

Ferrara Ember engine being built for the Lagrange FD (IL)

Ferrara photo

Carpentersville Fire Protection District Ferrara engine

Ferrara photo

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Lagrange apparatus

The LaGrange Fire Department had an open house recently and Drew Gresik submitted images of several Lagrange rigs.

Lagrange Fire Department Pierce Lance engine

LaGrange Engine 1111 is a 1991 Pierce with a first generation Lance cab. It has a 1,500-GPM pump and 500 gallons of water. Drew Gresik photo

Lagrange Fire Department

The reserve ambulance 1115 is on a Freightliner FL60 chassis. Drew Gresik photo

LaGrange Fire Department ambulance

Ambulance 1114 is a 2009 Frontline on a Ford F-50 chassis. Drew Gresik photo


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