Posts Tagged Knollwood FIre Department

Knollwood Fire Department news (more)

From the

On December 7, 2017, the City of Lake Forest and the Village of Libertyville presented a joint draft proposal for Fire, Emergency Medical and Fire Prevention Services to the Rockland Fire Protection District (RFPD) that will be considered by the Libertyville Village Board at its December 12, 2017 meeting.  Lake Forest and Libertyville believe the proposal is a comprehensive and cost-effective partnership, providing residents of the RFPD with the long-term benefits of full-time services from two professional fire departments, more efficient initial emergency response forces and more effective back-up support. 

The proposal includes the employment opportunity for existing volunteer personnel to continue to service the community and to train with other members of the Lake Forest Fire Department, as well as possibly using, repurposing or selling existing fire apparatus, equipment and facilities, all benefiting RFPD taxpayers.

Lake Forest and Libertyville firefighters and paramedics have worked side by side with the dedicated volunteers of the RFPD for many years.  The City of Lake Forest and the Village of Libertyville have provided or are now providing emergency services to the District. 

The communities initiated discussions in 2012 on improving efficiencies and the economic benefits associated with joining forces.   Conversations have continued, and earlier this year, the RFPD Board requested a proposal from both Libertyville and Lake Forest.  After thoughtful consideration, both municipalities concluded that by working together, a plan could be developed that focuses on high-quality, full-time services from their two professional fire departments providing: 1) enhanced emergency and fire response and 2) improved cost-effectiveness to all residents of the District.

The City of Lake Forest and the Village of Libertyville believe this proposal meets the important goals of enhancing services, reducing costs and respecting the values and traditions of the RFPD. 


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Knollwood Fire Department news

From the

IDOT and the Rt. 176/Rt. 41 Interchange

One argument that has been used to create a sense of urgency in dissolving the Knollwood Fire Department is the 176/41 interchange plan.

For at least 20 years, the Illinois Department of Transportation has been talking about reconfiguring that interchange – it’s clearly not an optimal design, especially now that traffic in the area has increased so much. If that takes place, it will probably necessitate relocation of the Knollwood Fire Station, at IDOT’s expense. However, despite much talk and a few public meetings in the last few years, the interchange reconfiguration is not in IDOT’s FY 2018-2023 plan, nor is there funding for it on the horizon.

We have received confirmation of that in a recent email exchange with IDOT; below are a some excerpts. Read the full thread here.

“The general scope of work for this improvement consists of interchange and intersection reconstruction, bridge replacement, bicyclist and pedestrian accommodations, and drainage improvements including the relocation of the pump station for the US 41 at IL 176 interchange (Pump Station 37).  The relocation of Pump Station 37 and associated drainage improvements are included in the Department’s FY 2018-2023 Proposed Highway Improvement Program. The remainder of the project is not currently included in the multi-year program.”

?“The interchange project is not in our current multi-year program, so there is no immediate need to relocate the fire station.”

From the FriendsofKnollwood Facebook page:

In reference to the Daliy Northshore article, here is a rational thought to calm the false narrative that the station is going to be “demolished”

This article may give an incorrect impression of the timeline for the overall interchange project. While it’s true that IDOT intends the pumping station and drainage improvements to take place in the relatively near future, the “demolition of the current Rockland Fire Protection District fire station” Mr. Irvin refers to is NOT imminent.

We have documentation from IDOT that the full interchange reconstruction project is still NOT in IDOT’s 5-year plan: “The interchange project is not in our current multi-year program, so there is no immediate need to relocate the fire station.” (Read more

Therefore, loss of access to the current fire station is NOT a factor in the current. controversy regarding the threatened dissolution of the Knollwood Fire Department.

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Knollwood Fire Department news (more)

Excerpts from the

The board governing the Knollwood Fire Department has requested proposals from both Lake Forest and Libertyville to take over firefighting and ambulance services.

The city of Lake Forest plans to assemble a proposal over the next 90 days and will then submit it to the Rockland Fire Protection District Board, which oversees Knollwood Fire Department, by the end of 2017. The Rockland Fire Protection District covers the unincorporated Knollwood neighborhood as well as a portion of Lake Bluff.

The city does have a few guidelines for its proposal. They stipulate that supplying services to Knollwood can’t reduce service to Lake Forest, the deal must generate long-term savings and it must integrate full-time, paid-on-call, and volunteer firefighters.

At an Aug. 8 meeting, Mayor Terry Weppler of Libertyville said a meeting of the town’s police and fire committee would be scheduled to consider whether to submit a proposal.

Dan Rogers, one of three trustees on the Rockland Fire Protection District Board, said the request for proposals is an effort to be fiscally responsible.

“Our (property tax) levy is about $635,000 for 7/8 of a square mile for fire and ambulance service,” Rogers said. “Several months ago we got proposals from Libertyville. They came back with a preliminary offer to take over all services for $380,000.”

Karl Snoblin, also a trustee for the fire protection district, sees things differently.

“There is no immediate threat,” Snoblin said, adding that the district has had a balanced budget for the last three years. “We have to work with our neighbors but to get rid of equipment and employees doesn’t seem to be necessary.”

In April, Knollwood voters approved a referendum that would allow them to elect trustees to the district’s board. That referendum takes effect in 2019. Currently, trustees are appointed by the Lake County Board.

Snoblin would like to hold off on any decisions on outsourcing fire and ambulance services.

“I believe it is inappropriate for this board to pursue outsourcing the department,” Snoblin said. “This is a caretaker board. There is nothing driving us to do this in the 22 months. It should be for the elected board to pursue.”

Lake Forest City Manager Bob Kiely expressed a similar opinion about cultural identity during an Aug. 7 city council meeting. He pointed out that Knollwood is unincorporated and all services besides fire – including law enforcement and public works – are supplied by Lake County.

While Rogers said the process is only in the research stage of it, Ed Whitehead is concerned that if the present board approves outsourcing fire and ambulance service, that decision would be irrevocable. Whitehead served on the fire protection board from 2010 to 2016.

“Our building gets sold, all our equipment gets sold,” Whitehead said. “We don’t have a fallback position at that point.”

thanks Dan

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Knollwood Fire Department news (more)

Excerpts from

A small North Shore fire department is dealing with the possibility of disbanding to cut costs.

“We can’t just keep giving, giving, giving as taxpayers. I live in Knollwood and I pay more in taxes than my brother in incorporated Lake Forest,” said David Fontana, resident.

The Rockland Fire Protection District (RFPD) covers less than one square mile, servicing about 2,000 residents in Knollwood and a subdivision in Lake Bluff. Every year, $650,000 of taxpayer money is used to run the Knollwood Fire Department, the only firehouse in the Rockland Fire Protection District. John Harlow is its chief.

“Probably around 600 calls a year,” he said. Half of those calls are backup calls for surrounding communities, each call costing more than $1,000.

“We don’t receive compensation for that,” said Robert Grum, RFPD trustee. “We have reached out to all of our neighboring communities, Lake Forest, Libertyville, someone that might be interested in a proposal to see if we are truly getting the best bang for the buck,” he said.

“We all rely on each other. If you remove this department from the response continuum it’s kind of a domino effect,” Harlow said.

Knollwood is a volunteer department but they do pay three people per shift to be at the firehouse in case there is a call.

Residents packed the firehouse in January to hear a proposal from Libertyville about taking over firefighting services for Knollwood.

“They did come to us with a proposal to take over all services. That would mean that the fire department would be shut down, we would vacate the building, we would sell the equipment and all of the members would go away,” said Karl Snoblin, RFPD President and Trustee.

That plan could save Knollwood taxpayers about $300,000 a year. Despite possible savings, “Don’t Close Knollwood Fire” signs are scattered around town.

“The whole fire department issue is very emotionally charged around here, and it shouldn’t be,” Dan Rogers, RFPD trustee, said.

If a neighboring town takes over fire service, some said they would welcome a more professional department.

“I certainly think a full-time department could possibly be a better situation than a volunteer department,” said Grum.

“Minutes count when someone’s not breathing. It’s a necessity to keep this department in place to get those paramedics there quickly,” argued Harlow.

Libertyville already provides ambulance service for Knollwood but no decision has been made about whether fire services will also be consolidated.

thanks Dan

Tags: , , website update (more)

The following departments have been added to the new site.

  • Lake Forest
  • Knollwood
  • Lake Bluff
  • Newport Township
  • Long Grove
  • Lincolnshire-Riverwoods
  • Winthrop Harbor

There have been some updates of newer or current apparatus, but most likely they are not completely accurate. Any assistance would be appreciated with regards to missing photos and fact checking department specs etc.

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Box alarm fire in Lake Forest, 2-23-17

Lake Forest firefighters were called to 81 W. North Avenue Thursday morning (2/23/17) for smoke in the basement of an occupied house undergoing some renovation. Black smoke was reported on arrival and the alarm was upgraded to a Code 4 for the working fire.

As conditions deteriorated and sections of the first floor became unstable, the alarm was upgraded to a Box Alarm. The fire was declared under control shortly thereafter and the incident commander began releasing companies.

aftermath of house fire

Larry Shapiro photo

aftermath of house fire

Larry Shapiro photo

aftermath of house fire

Larry Shapiro photo

ambulance at fire scene

Larry Shapiro photo

fire trucks at fire scene

Larry Shapiro photo

more photos at

This from Steve Redick:

Happened to be in the area, this is a long way from my usual still district. Fire was a done deal but I got to see and shoot a bunch of rigs I never see.


Lincolnshire-Riverwoods FPD Truck 51

Steve Redick photo

Lake Bluff FD fire engine

Steve Redick photo

Countryside FPD tower ladder

Steve Redick photo

Deerfield-Bannockburn FPD Squad 19

Steve Redick photo

Lake Forest FD fire engine

Steve Redick photo

Bull dog character on fire truck

Steve Redick photo

Lake Forest FD fire engine

Steve Redick photo

Knollwood FD quint

Steve Redick photo

Highland Park FD Squad 33

Steve Redick photo

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Knollwood Fire Department news (more)

Excerpts from the

More than 100 people attended a Monday meeting to hear about a proposal for Libertyville to take over fire services for the Knollwood Fire Department.

“We feel there is capacity at Station 3 to provide services,” said Libertyville Fire Chief Rich Carani at the Knollwood Fire Station, 14 N. Skokie Highway, Lake Bluff. “There’s equipment there and there’s not a lot of calls, so it’s underutilized.”

In 2016, the Libertyville Fire Department received a total of 4,278 calls. Of those, Carani said, 1,716 were handled by Station 1, 1,802 by Station 2 and 766 by Station 3 at 13415 Atkinson Road, which is adjacent to the area covered by Knollwood Fire Department, which is just shy of a square mile.

Carani said the distance to calls would be up to 1.5 miles or about 3.2 minutes – assuming no delays due to traffic. Service, said Carani, would cost 30 percent less than that incurred by the Knollwood Fire Department and would be the same cost as paid by Libertyville residents. Specifically, the Rockland Fire Protection District, which is the taxing body for the Knollwood Fire Department, levies $620,000 and Libertyville would charge $380,000.

Station 3 is staffed by three firefighter-paramedics 24 hours a day, Carani said in response to questions from attendees. If firefighter-paramedics are away on another call – which he said happens 28 percent of the time – firefighter-paramedics would respond from one of the other two stations, which would increase response times.

Knollwood residents would not be responsible for existing pension obligations of Libertyville firefighters if an agreement is signed, said Brian O’Connor, attorney for the Rockland Fire Protection District.

The proposal by Libertyville is in the early stages, said O’Connor. Karl Snoblin, chairman of the board of trustees of the Rockland Fire Protection District, said it had also reaching out to Lake Forest, which is currently working on a proposal to take over fire services for Knollwood.

If another fire department provides fire services for Knollwood, Trustee Dan Rogers said it would be a long-term contract. He suggested 50 years with renewal scheduled for 40 years.

Residents questioned how Green Oaks Senior Living, scheduled to open at 14595 W. Rockland Road this fall would impact call volume at Station 3. Green Oaks will have 200 units, according to its website. Carani said that could mean an additional 200 calls per year for Station 3.

Libertyville has handled ambulance services for Knollwood the last two years – before that Lake Forest was responsible – and is currently in negotiations with Knollwood to renew that contract for five years.

Knollwood had a population of 1,613 in 2015 with 642 housing units, according to the American Community Survey of the U.S. Census. It has an all-volunteer fire department of about 50 people.

The proposal by Libertyville comes in a time of increasing costs for many North Shore fire departments. The city of Lake Forest, for example, is concerned about how to pay increasing pension costs for firefighters required by the state of Illinois and has recently begun discussion with neighboring municipalities on some form of sharing firefighting services.

In related news, a referendum will be on the April ballot asking voters in the Rockland Fire Protection District if the three trustees should be elected by voters rather than appointed by the Lake County Board.

thanks Dennis

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Knollwood Fire Department news (more)

From The Friends of the Knollwood Fire Department:

The Friends of Knollwood Fire Department are seeking the help of our community in the efforts to keep the Knollwood Fire Dept providing services to the Rockland Fire Protection District. The Knollwood Fire Department has been providing cost effective services to the district for the last 70 years.  The current Rockland Fire Protection District Board of Trustees are actively soliciting proposals that would outsource all Fire and EMS services, thus closing the doors of the Knollwood Fire Department. This decision is currently in the hands of a three person appointed board and not the residents of the community whose tax dollars are spent.  Moneys have been spent creating petitions, yard signs and retaining legal counsel. We expect to need future funds for more signs and mailers as information comes to light, as well as in anticipation of the referendum in April to have the Board of Trustees elected as opposed to appointed. Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated.  For more information please Like or Follow Friends of Knollwood Fire on Facebook.
Help spread the word!
thanks Dan

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Knollwood Fire Department news

Excerpts from the

Trustees from the Rockland Fire Protection Board – which oversees the Knollwood Fire Department – met with Libertyville officials to hear a proposal from the department about taking over firefighting services, according to Libertyville Fire Chief Rich Carani. The Libertyville Fire Department has provided ambulance service to Knollwood for the last two years.

The proposal will likely be discussed at the Jan. 9 meeting of the Rockland Fire Protection District board scheduled for 6:30 p.m. at the Knollwood Fire Station, 14 Skokie Highway, Lake Bluff.

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Chimney fire in Lake Forest, 1-4-17

This from Niko Stefani:

Lake Forest Fire Department Code 4 for the chimney fire.

Lake Forest Fire Department received a 911 call from a passerby reporting flames from a chimney at 472 E Illinois Rd. Battalion 42 arrived on the scene and reported flames shooting from the chimney and shortly after upgraded to a Code 4. Code 3 Response: Lake Forest Squad Co. 421 Engine Co. 422 Ambulance 421 and Battalion 42. The Code 4 upgrade brought Lake Forest Chief 4200, 4201, and 4202, Knollwood Ladder Co. 44, Lincolnshire-Riverwoods Squad Co. 51, Highland Park Engine Co. 34, Battalion 33, and Chief 3301, Deerfield Chief 2000, and Libertyville Ambulance 463. Change of quarters by Lake Bluff Chief 4503 and Wheeling Ambulance 24.
Knollwood Ladder 44 backed into the driveway and used their truck to gain a better view of the chimney from above. Lake Forest Squad 421 was originally in the driveway with their light tower set up.
Lake Forest Fire Department squad

Niko Stefani photo

aerial ladder raised on fire truck

Niko Stefani photo

Knollwood Fire Department fire truck

Niko Stefani photo

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