This from Chief Drew Smith, Prospect Heights Fire District:

Yesterday, Tuesday, March 21, Prospect Heights companies were dispatched to an auto accident with extrication on Elmhurst Road north of Palatine Road. On arrival four cars were involved. The driver of an SUV was entrapped and had to be extricated. We were assisted by Wheeling ambulances, and a Des Plaines ambulance. Two patients in stable condition were transported. Originally, a portion of the pickup’s front end was blocking the SUV’s driver door. After some work, the SUV’s driver door was removed so the patient could be taken out. The patient was stable, and trying to remove them through the passenger’s side due wasn’t the best choice due to a center console and vehicle deformity. It was decided to use the driver’s door. Excellent work by our Prospect Heights firefighters.; #crash; #firefighters; #extrication; #ProspectHeightsFD;

Prospect Heights Fire District photo; #crash; #firefighters; #extrication; #ProspectHeightsFD;

Prospect Heights Fire District photo; #crash; #ProspectHeightsFD;

Prospect Heights Fire District photo; #crash; #firefighters; #extrication; #ProspectHeightsFD;

Prospect Heights Fire District photo

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