Posts Tagged Chicago Fire Department

Rubbish fire in Chicago, 7-9-19

This from Chi-Town Fire Photos:

Engine 84 had a big pile of tires burning @ 300 E 56th on 7/9/19

pile of tires burning at night

Chi-Town Fire Photos

pile of tires burning at night

Chi-Town Fire Photos

pile of tires burning at night

Chi-Town Fire Photos

Chicago FD Engine 84

Chi-Town Fire Photos

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Chicago Fire Department news (more)

Excerpts from

A Chicago Fire Department investigation is still incomplete over a year after paramedics failed to treat a gunshot victim as he lay in the street dying, although the department says it has new rules to avoid the tragic error in the future.

Erin Carey, 17, initially survived a gunshot wound to his head early June 18, 2018, but was placed under a white sheet by paramedics and left for dead for over an hour, according to a lawsuit filed June 17 by Carey’s family in Cook County Circuit Court. In the lawsuit, Carey’s family alleges that paramedics could have assessed Carey and taken him to a hospital for proper care and at least a dignified transition into death. Instead, the paramedics and Chicago Fire Department operated on a conscious disregard for basic training when they placed a white sheet over teen, the lawsuit states. The lawsuit seeks damages to prevent a repetition of these circumstances and also alleges that Carey most likely would have survived if he had been treated sooner.

Five other people were also shot — one of them fatally. Shortly after the shooting, TV cameras captured Carey moving under the sheet for at least 15 minutes before a paramedic uncovered him and began CPR. Carey died hours later at a hospital.

A possible reason paramedics mistakenly left Carey untreated was the piecemeal way the shooting was announced to emergency personnel. The fire department was reviewing radio transmissions to see why all six victims were not called in at once, but instead separately, leading to fewer resources being directed to the scene.

After the shooting, the department began investigating how paramedics mistakenly thought Carey was dead, and it changed the way paramedics assess shooting victims and anyone else injured. The fire department took measures shortly after the incident to prevent another death like Carey’s. Paramedics are now required to attach heart monitors to every patient to confirm their vital signs.

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2-11 Alarm fire in Chicago, 7-15-19

Photos from Tim Olk of the 2-11 Alarm fire at 6820 S. Lafayette Avenue, 7/15/19.

house destroyed by fire

Tim Olk photo

Chicago FD Squad 5A at a fire

Tim Olk photo

Chicago FD Squad 5A at a fire

Tim Olk photo

house destroyed by fire

Tim Olk photo

Chicago FD Squad 5A at a fire

Tim Olk photo

Chicago FD Squad 5A at a fire

Tim Olk photo

house destroyed by fire

Tim Olk photo

house destroyed by fire

Tim Olk photo

Chicago FD Squad 5A at a fire

Tim Olk photo

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Still & Box Alarm fire in Chicago, 6-29-19

This from Jim McCall:

Still and Box at  401 N Wabash on Saturday

smoke from a fire inside a parking garage

Jim McCall photo

smoke from a fire inside a parking garage

Jim McCall photo

smoke from a fire inside a parking garage

Jim McCall photo

smoke from a fire inside a parking garage

Jim McCall photo

smoke from a fire inside a parking garage

Jim McCall photo

smoke from a fire inside a parking garage

Jim McCall photo

fire hose hooked to standpipe connection

Jim McCall photo

401 N Wabash Avenue in Chicago parking lot fire

Jim McCall photo

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Still and Box Alarm fire in Chicago, 6-30-19

This from Tim Olk:

Chicago Fire Department Still & Box Alarm Fire, 104th St West of Wentworth

heavy smoke from house on fire

Tim Olk photo

heavy smoke from house on fire

Tim Olk photo

heavy smoke from house on fire

Tim Olk photo

heavy fire vents through house roof

Tim Olk photo

heavy fire vents through house roof

Tim Olk photo

heavy fire vents through house roof

Tim Olk photo

Firefighter receives hydration after a fire on a hot day

Tim Olk photo

Firefighters cools off on hot day

Tim Olk photo

Firefighters overhaul attic after house fire

Tim Olk photo

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Chicago Fire Department news (more)

Excerpts from

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot says the proposed police and fire training facility that is opposed by activists is likely to cost more than previously estimated. She says as it’s currently designed, the projected $95 million facility is unlikely to meet the needs of first responders the police department and fire department, particularly firefighters. She doesn’t know what the ultimate costs will be, but she wants it to be the best-in-class training facility for first responders anywhere in the country.

Opponents contend the proposed facility is a waste of money that should go toward education, job training, and mental health services.

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Kitchen fire in Chicago, 6-23-19

This from Ryan Higgins:

Kitchen Fire 4800 N. Harlem ave Chicago IL

Ryan Higgins photo

Ryan Higgins photo

Ryan Higgins photo

Ryan Higgins photo

Ryan Higgins photo

Ryan Higgins photo

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New fire station at O’Hare Airport (more)

From CFD Media on Twitter:

Fire Commissioner Ford & Aviation Commissioner Rhee cut the ribbon on the new Rescue Station #2 at O’Hare International Airport.

O'Hare Airport Fire Station Rescue 2

CFD Media photo

O'Hare Airport Fire Station Rescue 2

CFD Media photo

O'Hare Airport Fire Station Rescue 2

CFD Media photo

CFD ARFF units at O'Hare

CFD Media photo

Bunk room in new airport fire station at O'Hare

CFD Media photo

Locker room in new airport fire station at O'Hare

CFD Media photo

Gear storage in new airport fire station at O'Hare Airport

CFD Media photo

thanks Dennis

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Chicago Fire Department news (more)

Excerpts from

Chicago firefighters who helped deliver a baby outside a station in the city’s River West neighborhood Tuesday morning got to meet the mother and baby they helped.

Vanessa Villa went into labor outside Engine 14 in the 1100-block of West Chicago Avenue around 8:50 a.m. Shew was being driven to the hospital by a friend who pulled over at the fire house as the mother’s contractions were only about a minute apart.

Friday night they all formally met for the first time. Firefighters gave the baby, named Julian Lopezi, a new onesie, and gave Villa’s other child a shirt.

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Working fire in Chicago, 6-6-19

This from Tim Olk:

Chicago alley garage at 53rd & Justine

Chicago firefighter with hose line

Tim Olk photo

Firefighters battle alley garage fire in Chicago

Tim Olk photo

Firefighters overhaul after an alley garage burned in Chicago

Tim Olk photo

Firefighters overhaul after an alley garage burned in Chicago

Tim Olk photo

Firefighters overhaul after an alley garage burned in Chicago

Tim Olk photo

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