This from Adam Levinson:
Here are some photos from the Swap Meet.
This from Adam Levinson:
Here are some photos from the Swap Meet.
Tags: 2013 Chicago Area Firematic Swap Meet, Chicago Fire Department, fire department Ford Explorer, fire truck pictures, Quinn Fire Academy, Robert J. Quinn FIre Academy
This entry was posted on June 18, 2013, 7:13 PM and is filed under Fire Truck photos. You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
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#1 by NJ on November 1, 2013 - 8:30 AM
I missed seeing 6-6-1 on the show. Anyone know what ep that was in, name or date shown ?
#2 by CFD 1979 on October 31, 2013 - 10:47 PM
Yes, that was the reserve snorkel in 35’s house. Also, I’d like to see some other firehouses featured on the show. Chicago has such a great variety of firehouses that represent an architectural variety of time periods. The only firehouse besides Engine 18’s quarters that has been on the show is Engine 61’s old house (and former EMS South).
It would be fantastic to see some of Chicago’s great architectural firehouses (i.e. Engine 5, Engine 62, Engine 98, some of the other single engine houses, Engine 129)
#3 by LFD 435 on October 30, 2013 - 10:48 PM
NJ, I don’t get it either. I wonder: if anyone who reads this blog, who is a CFD member, and has his ways to make it happen, thart would be great.
Also, I’m still wondering: a few episodes ago, was that the inside of Engine 35?s house and a glimpse of Reserve Snorkel 6-6-1? For whatever reason I was unable to tell what rig it was, even when pausing the show.
#4 by NJ on October 8, 2013 - 8:33 AM
danny: ROTFL So true.
I don’t get it though. Even Emergency waaay back in the days used extras (rigs) on every large fire. I don’t why Chicago Fire doesn’t do that. Aside from the extra ambo when 61 was smashed in the first half season finale, I don’t recall seeing a single rig aside from the 4 main ones.
#5 by LFD 435 on October 8, 2013 - 12:48 AM
I understand what you are saying, but my guess is there are many factor’s as to why they do not have as many pieces of apparatus as a real-life response. It’s a TV show…$$$ for starters, also I’m sure the city is unable to provide all the rig’s needed, other reasons, etc. .
(I do like your “NBC Box” though LOL)
My post really had nothing at all to do with making the show copy a real response, but just to see a unit(s) like the one’s I listed would be really cool on the show.
#6 by danny on October 4, 2013 - 12:36 AM
yeah i like the show but every fire they go to aside from the big one in the pilot is handled by 1 squad 1 chief 1 enigne and 1 truck lol ive called it the nbc-box
#7 by LFD 435 on October 3, 2013 - 10:11 PM
This thought popped in my head: wouldn’t it be cool to see a piece of in-service CFD “special” apparatus in an episode of ‘Chicago Fire’? I am talking about something other than an Engine, Truck, Ambulance, Squad or Battalion Chief SUV.
Anyone can correct me if I am forgetting that it has already happened. (I seem to think that 6-8-7 was used on screen. If it did aready happen, I want more!)
I was thinking maybe Engine 2, or 6-8-8, 6-7-3, 6-7-6, 5-2-4, 8-8-1, 9-2-3 or an ARFF rig would be great to see used in an episode.
What is the possibility of any of these units being used on camera?
Although in the other night’s episode, was that the inside of Engine 35’s house and a glimpse of Reserve Snorkel 6-6-1? It was not being used on an incident scene though, so to me that does not count.