Chief Drew Smith reminded us of two other past Christmas eve fires, both of which occurred prior to the existence of the blog

4-Alarm fire in Prospect Heights, 12-24-06 (2006 River Trails Condos in Prospect Heights. 4th alarm MABAS box); #larryshapiro;;; #fire' #ProspectHeightsFD; #RiverTrailsCondos; #DrewSmith; #flames; #smoke; #fire;

Larry Shapiro photo; #larryshapiro;;; #fire' #ProspectHeightsFD; #RiverTrailsCondos; #DonGOuld; #NilesFD; #quint;

Larry Shapiro photo

5-Alarm fire in Wheeling, 12-24-93 (1993 Franklin Foods grocery store fire in Wheeling); #5-alarmfire; #WheelingFD; #FranklinFoods; #bowstringroof; #larryshapiro;;; #Sutphen; #massivesmoke; #flames;

Larry Shapiro photo; #5-alarmfire; #WheelingFD; #FranklinFoods; #bowstringroof; #larryshapiro;;; #Sutphen; #massivesmoke; #flames; #NorthbrookFD; #Sutphen;

Larry Shapiro photo; #5-alarmfire; #WheelingFD; #FranklinFoods; #bowstringroof; #larryshapiro;;; #EONE; #massivesmoke; #flames; #E-ONE; #EONEStrength; #BuffaloGroveFD;

Larry Shapiro photo