Patrick Shoop photo
thanks Dennis
Oct 11
Posted by Admin in Fire Department History, Fire Truck photos | 2 Comments
Patrick Shoop photo
thanks Dennis
Tags: Buchanan Valley Fire Department, Cheriton VA Fire Department, chicagoareafire.com, new home for former Roselle fire engine, Roselle Fire Department history
Oct 11
Posted by Admin in Fire Service News | Comments off
Excerpts from whsv.com:
A dream became a reality Monday for one brave 7-year-old in Hanover County, VA. Javi Guzman anxiously waited for his Make-A-Wish day for months due to the pandemic. Now, he is officially sworn in as the newest and youngest addition to the Hanover County firehouse.
“He’s been waiting for this day to come,” his mom, Amy Guzman said. “Every time a siren goes past our house, he always runs outside.” “As a little boy I remember all the time when he was little, he said ‘I wanna be a firefighter one day’ and I said ‘well, you have to work hard, one day you will,’” his dad Martin Guzman said.
His wish was granted in a special ceremony and day of adventure, thanks to the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
“It was an easy yes without even having to consider it,” Hanover Fire Chief Jethro Piland said. “Javi is truly an inspiration to us with his courageous and brave behavior.”
Javi is a true fighter, facing obstacles that most firemen never have to go through. He’s battled a form of blood cancer since he was a toddler. Now, he’s in remission.
However, there’s a deeper reason he looks up to these firefighters. Months ago, the Guzman family suffered heartbreak after a house fire, but Javi was inspired by those who stepped in to help.
“These are the firefighters that responded to his home when he had a fire,” Chief Piland said.
Now, he’s a part of the brotherhood and was officially sworn in as a firefighter in a special ceremony. As a part of his day as a firefighter, he got to ride in a firetruck and tour the firehouse. He faced an obstacle course, got to use a fire hose, and climbed dozens of feet in the air on a ladder.
All of his classmates got in on the fun and attended his ceremony.
His mother says his bravery knows no limits. His biggest request was to take a ride in a helicopter, so Make-A-Wish made it happen.
It is a day he will never forget, surrounded by a support system that will always have his back.
“When you have that you just feel like you can get through some really tough times,” Amy Guzman said, fighting back tears.
Make-A-Wish is in need of volunteers. If you want to help kids like Javi, click here.
Tags: 7-year old with cancer becomes a firefighter, chicagoareafire.com, fire department helps Make-A-Wish Foundation, Hanover County Fire Department, Hanover Fire Chief Jethro Piland, Make-A-Wish Foundation
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