This from Danny Nelms:
New Truck 20 as seen on FB
This from Danny Nelms:
New Truck 20 as seen on FB
Tags: Chicago FD Truck 20, Chicago Fire Department, new aerial for Chicago FD
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#1 by Rich S. on June 17, 2022 - 9:17 PM
Bill, the CFD had a little thing back in 1980, and since then we have a very specific manning clause in our contract, right down to the number of engines and trucks and members on them. What the CFD needs is more ambulances as the mayor promised but has yet to fulfill. The ability to screen calls would be a great help as well.
#2 by Bill Post on June 17, 2022 - 8:35 PM
Wayne thanks alot for posting the top 5 Engine and 5 Trucks for 2021. You are absolutely correct it is very difficult to get the run breakdowns for the CFD and It is much easier for me to get the statistics for the Fire companies in New York City and in some other places. There is no question that when it comes to the the Chicago Fire department there is a lack of transparency it seems if they are deliberately witholding information. I don’t know if they are publishing annual reports which they were doing for a few years between 2008 and 2011.
If youi were to look at most other fire departments many of them as a rule do publish annual reports and even some of them also publish statisitcal reports. It almost seems like the City is trying to cover up how is is running its departments.
Even though it goes back to the mid and late 1980s the City of Chicago was alot more transparent about how it ran it departments under the late Mayor Harold Washington than it has been in more recent years. When it comes to the wear and tear that the rigs go through going to EMS runs. It is very interesting to see what other fire departments are doing and coming up with to reduce wear and tear on fire apparatus. Some cities like Dallas Texas run “Peak Demand” Ambulances duing the busier hours so as not run the Engines and Trucks as much on EmS runs. San Antonio Texas actually assigns small Suvs most of their stations wirh an Engine and Truck assigned to them. When a first responder Ems run comes ino the station. One man from the Engine and one man from the Truck goe out on the SUV “Squad” so that the Engine or Truck doesn’t have to go out however the Engine and Truck remain in service even though that are temporarily running wirh one man less on the rigs.
While that wouldn’t necessarily work for Chicago it would make sense if Chicago did run some “Peak Demand” Ambulances during the busier hours and it might make sense if the CFD placed a few 2 man SUVS in service at some of the busier stations so they could dispatch an SUV on medical assists instead of taking an Engine or a Truck out of service on those runs.
#3 by Wayne on June 16, 2022 - 5:37 PM
The run numbers are a little hard to come by. For 2021 I only have the trucks and engines. They’re in a different format every year and sometimes it has the ambos, sometimes it has the squads, chiefs, hazmats and OFI. I have them as pictures on my phone. Someone here might have a better or more complete version.
It would be a lot to post all the numbers here but here’s the top 5 engines and trucks for 2021:
Engine 122 – 6,036
Engine 113 – 5,825
Engine 93 – 5,767
Engine 95 – 5,457
Engine 116 – 5,286
Truck 26 – 5,644
Truck 49 – 5,063
Truck 20 – 4,827
Truck 50 – 4,772
Truck 29 – 4,569
#4 by Localguy on June 16, 2022 - 2:15 PM
Anyone have run numbers? Total runs and a break down of fires? Or maybe know how I can look it up?
#5 by DENNIS on June 16, 2022 - 6:33 AM
Aidan, Truck 20 is the 3rd busiest behind Truck 26 and Truck 49. Either way all fire companies in Chicago with the exception of just a few are a lot busier due to invalid assists, medical calls, fire alarms, etc. The wear and tear the apparatus goes thru in Chicago is unbelievable, streets are terrible.
#6 by Lt/pm Wayne Kinzie on June 15, 2022 - 10:30 PM
John was a great guy. Never had the opportunity to work with him on the job. Met him from Elsbeth. They made a great couple.
#7 by Aidan Hughes on June 15, 2022 - 10:10 PM
Truck 20 is the second busiest Truck Company in the city and their frontline is 16 years old and is always breaking down. Besides, I wonder where the other 3 ladder trucks will go to? My estimated guess is that they will go to Trucks 26 and 36 since their Pierce ladder trucks were beaten to death and Truck 41 but we’ll see.
#8 by harry on June 15, 2022 - 7:31 PM
mike l i first met him when franklin pk had a fire in the old motarola building and at the time i wanted to see the fd hummer well i asked the guys where the station was at oare they told me outside of term. 3 and gave me rescue 3 phone number i called and the day i called Lt john leonard answered the phone he invited me over to rescue 3 at ohare and from april 2001 to january 19 2015 we were great friends and i really miss him he let me ride in sqd 7 at ohare even on acall he brought me to the garage at ohare where the plows are he gave me 2 t shirts and i even made a model of sqd 7 pierce anda model of the 2006 pierce t 20 for him and i was honered to see that at his wake they even brought the model that i made of trck 20
#9 by Mike L on June 15, 2022 - 6:44 PM
Localguy, yes. Lots of good people and heavy hitters at E54/Trk20. They definitely see work in that neighborhood.
Harry, did you work with John?
#10 by harry on June 15, 2022 - 4:48 PM
local guy what do you mean by that the area
#11 by Localguy on June 15, 2022 - 4:12 PM
I’ve heard this is a bad ass company to get into. The house in general.
#12 by harry on June 15, 2022 - 11:24 AM
this truck has special meaning to me because i had a great friend lt john leonard who passed away from cancer on january 19 2015 i still miss u buddy