This from Steve Redick:

6670 Northwest Highway in the fire prone (lately) 11th battalion. This is very close to home and I arrived in short order. The occupancy was some kind of small community type theater. Initial observations seemed to indicate some deep seated fire in what I assumed would be many concealed spaces. Rapid roof ventilation and use of TIC allowed this fire to be contained in very short order. Just as well ’cause squad 7 was in a spare snorkel anyway. 😉


all the images can be seen here


Firefighters at fire scene with smoke

Steve Redick photo

Firefighters at fire scene with smoke

Steve Redick photo

Chicago FD Truck 55

Steve Redick photo

Chicago FD Engine 119

Steve Redick photo

Chicago FD Engine 11

Steve Redick photo

fire engine backs dow alley

Steve Redick photo

Steve Redick photo

Chicago fire truck at fire scene

Steve Redick photo