This from Steve Redick:

I returned from Arkansas with a lot of my dad’s collection. One of the things he had displayed on his wall was a series of 3 x 5 color prints from a 5-11 he and I were at in 1974. This was a cold storage warehouse and I recall it burned for days. I also remember at some point the building collapsed onto an adjacent structure causing the transmission of another extra alarm. We took it in well after the initial alarm and toured the fireground getting these shots of some classic rigs in action. The image with Big John in the background is probably one of the few images you will see with both guns working. Most times they couldn’t muster up the water supply to use both. Also note the 2000-GPM LaFrances often used both ports on the hydrant. They had an order that no other pumper was to share a hydrant with a 2,000-gallon rig, thus giving them the ability to use both steamer ports.

These photos were in horrendous condition … colors way off and faded. I was surprised at how much of the damaged images I was able to restore. They are far from perfect but at least they are now useable. I bet if I made them B&W they would be near perfect. Enjoy the history.


vintage Ward LaFrance fire engine in Chicago and Big John

Warren Redick photo

vintage fire engines in Chicago

Warren Redick photo

vintage American LaFrance fire engine in Chicago

Warren Redick photo

vintage Ward LaFrance fire engine in Chicago

Warren Redick photo

vintage Seagrave fire engine in Chicago

Warren Redick photo

vintage Mack CF Pirsch aerial ladder in Chicago

Warren Redick photo

vintage American LaFrance fire engine in Chicago

Warren Redick photo

vintage Ward LaFrance fire engine in Chicago

Warren Redick photo

vintage Ward LaFrance fire engine in Chicago

Warren Redick photo

vintage American LaFrance fire engine in Chicago

Warren Redick photo