This from Christopher Holmes :
Here are photos of Geneva Brush Truck
This from Christopher Holmes :
Here are photos of Geneva Brush Truck
Tags: Christopher Holmes, fire truck photo, Geneva Fire Department, new brush unit for Geneva
This entry was posted on February 10, 2014, 7:46 PM and is filed under Fire Department News, New Delivery. You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
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#1 by Christopher on February 28, 2014 - 1:01 PM
Webmaster. I believe I might have mistake the Brush Unit for being new. I know they got a new squad 260 that looks the same (minus the brush fire equipment).
#2 by Martin Nowak on February 11, 2014 - 9:45 PM
Only thing I can agree on is that it is in fact a late model. Might have bought it used.
#3 by Robert on February 10, 2014 - 9:20 PM
That’s a late model. They’ve had it for years actually.
#4 by Admin on February 10, 2014 - 9:31 PM
webmaster’s note – we can only go by the submissions we receive unless we have specific knowledge pertaining to each …