This from Drew Gresik:
Took in a Working Fire at 9150 S 87th Street in Hickory Hills. Got there well after the fire was out but got some nice rig shots. It appeared North Palos Engine 813 arrived first-in with Truck 31 from Roberts Park. Roberts Park Engine 31 was in reserve engine 3R, and Roberts Park Ambulance 32 was in reserve 3R. Here are a couple my shots. Thanks.Drew Gresik
#1 by Martin Nowak on August 13, 2013 - 10:43 PM
Also, Engine 31 is rarely used. I guess they use it as a jump company when Ladder 31 is out on service. Sometimes Engine 32 uses 31 when E32 is oos and they’ve ran 3R the last time.
#2 by Martin Nowak on August 13, 2013 - 10:40 PM
Engine 32 is using Engine 3R