More images from yesterday’s 2nd Alarm in Franklin Park from Tim Olk.


auto repair shop fire in Franklin Park on Mannheim Road firefighters doing overhaul

Interior overhaul. Tim Olk photo

auto repair shop fire in Franklin Park on Mannheim Road firefighters doing overhaul

Tim Olk photo

Bronto Sky-Lift working at auto repair shop fire in Franklin Park on Mannheim Road

Melrose Park’s Bronto Sky-Lift working. Tim Olk photo

Bronto Sky-Lift works at auto repair shop fire in Franklin Park on Mannheim Road

The Bronto was positioned on Mannheim Road. Tim Olk photo

Chicago Squad 7 working at the auto repair shop fire in Franklin Park on Mannheim Road

The remote-controlled bumper nozzle on Chicago Squad 7A is directed through a window. Tim Olk photo

auto repair shop fire in Franklin Park on Mannheim Road

A line is deployed through a window on the north side of the building. Tim Olk photo

Tim has a gallery with more images HERE.