Photos from Steve Redick of the Box Alarm in Addison 5/25/27 at 20W385 Diversey Avenue.
Posts Tagged York Center FPD
Engine 75 at the York Center FPD has been added to the site. This now completes the transition to an all-Pierce department for custom apparatus.
The 2012 Pierce replaces a 1993 E-ONE Hush.
The E-ONE Hush was originally white over lime green.
The 1993 Hush replaced a Seagrave PB Series engine.

Two generations back, York Center Engine 75 was this 1973 Seagrave PB Series engine. Larry Shapiro photo

Robbins Fire Department Engine 2943 was a 1973 Seagrave 1250/5000) that formerly belonged to the York Center FPD. Bill Friedrich photo
Martin Nowak found a new posting on the Pierce Flickr site of York Center Engine 75.

York Center FPD Pierce Arrow XT Engine 75. Pierce composite
York Center FPD is added
Nov 21
The York Center Fire Protection District in MABAS Division 12 covers 5 square miles which includes unincorporated Villa Park, unincorporated Lombard, unincorporated Oak Brook, York Center, and parts of Oak Brook Terrace. They operate out of one station with 2 full-time and 68 part-time personnel.
The York Center apparatus includes an E-ONE Hush pumper with a rear mounted engine, a Pierce pumper, a Pierce heavy rescue, Medtec ambulances, and a US Tanker built on a Freightliner M2112 chassis.

The entire York Center fleet used to be white and lime green. This 1993 E-ONE rear engine HUSH has an enclosed top-mounted operator's console protected by the extended vista cab. There is a 1,500-GPM pump and a 750-gallon water tank. This engine is still in with the department but the green has been replaced with red. Larry Shapiro collection