Posts Tagged different colors for fire trucks

New engine for Elmwood Park

Al Schlick found this new engine for Elmwood Park on the Pierce Flickr page

fire engine picture

New Pierce Dash CF PUC for Elmwood Park, Pierce composite

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Down memory lane …

Another submission from Steve Redick:

This time we will have a suburban installment…

This was a box or 2nd alarm in the old Battalion 7 (Now division 20) … Maywood or Bellwood … not sure which. Some action photos … maybe someone will recognize some of the members in the photos. I always enjoyed the rigs, and always liked the ALF water chiefs, but I think they had lots of problems with the waterways.

Also a coupla shots from a fire in Glenview … a vacant supermarket. The Snorkel is the Glenbrook Snorkel before the rebuild.

Both sets were taken in the 80’s …

Maywood fire department history

Maywood firefighters in the 80’s work a house fire. Steve Redick photo

Maywood fire department history

Maywood firefighters in the 80’s work a house fire. Steve Redick photo

Maywood fire department history

Old modular ambulance from Maywood. Steve Redick photo

Maywood fire department history

Hendrickson/E-ONE engine from Maywood. Steve Redick photo

Glenbrook Rural Fire Protection District history

Vintage fire photo of Glenbrook’s Snorkel working at the extra alarm fire. Steve Redick photo

Glenbrook Rural Fire Protection District history

Glenbrook FPD Pierce Arrow engine pumping during a fire at a vacant supermarket. Steve Redick photo

Broadview Fire Department history

Broadview’s American LaFrance Water Chief Quint. Steve Redick photo

Maywood fire department history

Another view of the Hendrickson/E-ONE engine from Maywood. Steve Redick photo

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Crete Fire Department is added to Division 27

In Will County, the Crete Fire Department has been added to the site. Crete has two stations with Pierce, Saulsbury, and Medtec apparatus.

Crete Fire Department Engine 702 Pierce Enforcer

Crete is changing the color of their units from white over lime green to black over red.

Crete Fire Department Squad 706

Crete Fire Department Station 2

Crete Fire Station 2 is a t 3740 Melanie Lane. It was built in 1983. Dennis McGuire, Jr. photo

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The Leyden Fire District has been added

In MABAS Division 20, the Leyden Fire Protection District has been added to the site. Leyden has one station covering unincorporated Leyden Township. They have 13 full-time, 10 paid-on-call, and 6 contract personnel. Leyden currently houses the MABAS Division 20 Decon unit. They have two ambulances, a quint, an engine, and a utility unit.


Leyden Fire Protection District station

The Leyden Fire District station is at 2600 Mannheim Road with a Franklin Park mailing address. Larry Shapiro photo

Leyden Fire Protection District Engine 131

For many years the Leyden apparatus has been black over yellow. They have two ambulances which are this yellow with black accents and striping.

Leyden Fire Protection District

Leyden’s newest unit is this 2006 quint which features a new set of colors.

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New engine for York Center

Engine 75 at the York Center FPD has been added to the site. This now completes the transition to an all-Pierce department for custom apparatus.

York Center Fire Protection District  Engine 75

The 2012 Pierce replaces a 1993 E-ONE Hush.

York Center Fire Protection District

The E-ONE Hush was originally white over lime green.

York Center Fire Protection District fire engine

York Center Engine 75 was delivered as seen here. Larry Shapiro photo

The 1993 Hush replaced a Seagrave PB Series engine.

York Center Fire Protection District Seagrave engine

Two generations back, York Center Engine 75 was this 1973 Seagrave PB Series engine. Larry Shapiro photo

Robbins Fire Department 1973 Seagrave engine formerly from York Center FPD

Robbins Fire Department Engine 2943 was a 1973 Seagrave 1250/5000) that formerly belonged to the York Center FPD. Bill Friedrich photo


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Where are they now … Palatine (update)

This is the first of many posts in a new series entitled Where are they now ... where we will follow the re-assignment of area fire department apparatus that finds new life in a new home.

From Bill Friedrich:

Palatine Fire Department

Palatine Fire Department Engine 14, a 1974 Seagrave PB Series with 500 gallons of water and a 1,500-GPM pump. Bill Friedrich photo

Palatine Fire Department Engine 14, a 1974 Seagrave PB Series with 500 gallons of water and a 1,500-GPM pump. Bill Friedrich photo

As it turns out, the whereabouts of this unit are as yet unknown.

The Community Fire Company, of New Ringgold, PA owns a Seagrave engine which was NOT originally from Palatine, IL.

Community Fire Company New Ringgold, PA Seagrave engine

Community Fire Company, New Ringgold, PA now runs this Seagrave engine. John Tobin photo

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The Color of Fire Trucks (part 13) – Division 11

More from Bill Friedrich about MABAS Division 11 departments that have had non-red fire apparatus.

Here is a shot of the Forest Park Mack CF in the lime green color. The photo is from retired Forest Park LT.Mario Tricoci

Forest Park Fire Department Mack CF engine

Forest Park FD Engine 401, a Mack CF was received lime green in 1974 with a 1,250-GPM pump and 500 gallons of water. Mario Tricoci photo


Forest Park Review February 6, 1974

Forest park Fire Department 1974

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The Color of Fire Trucks (part 12) Division 11

More on the non-red fire apparatus that served in MABAS Division 11.

Cicero Fire Department 1976 Haz mat unit

Cicero Haz Mat 1 in 1976 was this lime green unit built by Koeing on a Ford F-600 chassis. Bill Friedrich photo

Haz Mat 1 was kept at Sta.2

Cicero Fire Department Squad F-11

Cicero Squad F-11 was this white truck built by Wolverine on a Ford F-600 chassis in 1976. It had a 25′ elevating ladder which was more commonly used by outdoor sign companies. Bill Friedrich photo

Here is a shot shortly after the Western Electric plant in Cicero closed down. This was Engine 6 on the radio.

Cicero Fire Department 1978 Ford Howe fire engine lime green

Cicero acquired this 1978 Ford F-700/Howe commercial engine from the Western Electric Plant Brigade when it closed. This had a 750-GPM pump with 600 gallons of water. Bill Friedrich photo

The engine was sold to a department in Alabama. It was at Cicero for about 1-2 years. They did not care for the lime green color. Western Electric employed around 20,000 people and was located near 22nd & Cicero. They did have a full time department.

Cicero Fire Department 1981 Ford Darley fire engine

Cicero Engine 3 was delivered by W.S. Darley in 1981 on a Ford C-8000 chassis with a custom canopy configuration. Originally it was all white but was later repainted to match the new color scheme. Bill Friedrich photo

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The Color of Fire Trucks (part 11) Division 11

It’s been a while since our last article in The Color of Fire Trucks series. We are up to MABAS Division 11 this time with only one department to feature which previously ran with apparatus that was not red.

The Cicero Fire Department purchased several units in the 1970s and 1980s that were solid white. They had a Ford/Grove 100′ rear-mount aerial, a Ford/Darly top-mount engine, and a unique squad on a Ford F chassis with a light-weight ladder similar to those used by outdoor sign companies.

Cicero Fire Department Ford Grove aerial ladder

Cicero Truck 1 ran with this 1973 100′ rear-mounted Grove aerial ladder mounted on a Ford C-Series chassis. The body was built by American Fire Apparatus. Larry Shapiro photo

Cicero Fire Department Engine 3 Ford C-8000 Darley engine

Shortly after being delivered to Cicero by the W.S. Darley Company in 1981, Engine 3 was photographed outside the station. Built on a Ford C-8000 chassis with a rear custom canopy cab with a top-mounted control panel, this engine had a 1,000-GPM pump and carried 500 gallons of water. Larry Shapiro photo

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The color of fire trucks (part 10) Division 10 (update)

This week’s posting of the Division 10 apparatus showing departments that once had a unique colored rig or that have changed to red was flawed. The Clarendon Hills Fire Department should not have been featured since their current color is not red, but with that in mind, Bill Friedrich has submitted an image from a day when Clarendon Hills did have red trucks.

Bill tells us that:

Clarendon Hills started of with a black over red fleet. Besides this one, they had a really neat FWD engine  and a Ford C squad truck. They also had a white tandem axle Ford F ambulance.
Clarendon Hills Fire Department red fire truck

In 1963, Clarendon Hills ran with this 1963 IHC R-190/Darley unit that was black over red. It had a 750-GPM pump and 500 gallons of water with an overhead ladder rack. Bill Friedrich photo

Bill also tells us about the Hinsdale Fire Department:

Hinsdale had an all red fleet as well prior to the black and yellow rigs. Besides this ladder they had a Pirsch and FWD engine.
Hinsdale Fire Department 1952 American LaFrance 700 Series

Hinsdale used to have red trucks like this 1952 American LaFrance 700 Series mid-mounted 75′ ladder truck. It ran as Truck442 with a 1000-GPM pump and 150 gallons of water. Bill Friedrich photo

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