Engine 75 at the York Center FPD has been added to the site. This now completes the transition to an all-Pierce department for custom apparatus.
The 2012 Pierce replaces a 1993 E-ONE Hush.
The E-ONE Hush was originally white over lime green.
The 1993 Hush replaced a Seagrave PB Series engine.

Two generations back, York Center Engine 75 was this 1973 Seagrave PB Series engine. Larry Shapiro photo

Robbins Fire Department Engine 2943 was a 1973 Seagrave 1250/5000) that formerly belonged to the York Center FPD. Bill Friedrich photo
#1 by danny on November 7, 2012 - 3:12 AM
found a pic of the seagrave at robbins fd http://karlsfirephotos.smugmug.com/FIRE-APPARATUS/CLASSIC-FIRE-APPARATUS/DSC01828/473156690_s8Rt5-M.jpg
#2 by Harvey R. on November 3, 2012 - 10:54 PM
Kind of a shame that these departments who burn a lot need to use hand-me-down rigs, and departments that do little-to-no fire duty get all the new shit.
#3 by Bill Friedrich on November 3, 2012 - 4:11 PM
As do most rigs donated to Robbins. They just do not have the funds to repair them. Check the history on the Robbins site.
#4 by Dennis on November 2, 2012 - 10:35 AM
The Seagrave engine ended up in Robbins, Illinois for a short time but broke down and was sitting in the back of their station for years, but has since been scrapped.