Posts Tagged Pierce Enforcer

Beecher works at Lowell Indiana extra alarm 8-10-11

The Beecher Fire Protection District in MABAS Division 27 responded mutual aid to an extra alarm fire last week in Lowell, Indiana. According to Beecher Fire Chief Dave Lagesse, Beecher Truck 405, a 2006 Pierce Enforcer with a 75′ aluminum ladder, flowed in excess of 640,000 gallons of water over a period of 10 hours on the scene. The fire occurred a week ago Thursday, on August 10th, at the former Rieter Automotive building, 101 W. Oakley Avenue, and according to The Northwest Indiana Times,

A construction company working inside … is believed to have accidentally sparked a spectacular fire at the abandoned plant shortly before noon Wednesday.  Jimmy Harper, a project manager for BRT Indiana LLC, a recycling and sales company, said crews were moving equipment and cutting beams when an unidentified material caught fire. Harper, who was working inside the building with 11 other employees, said sprinklers in the building were shut off and crews could not control the flames with fire extinguishers.

The complete article can be found HERE. A Youtube video is HERE, and additional coverage is HERE.

Chief Lagesse submitted several dramatic images showing Truck 405 working. He was unable to tell us who the photographer was. We would like to acknowledge the photographer if someone can supply us with that information.

Lowell Indiana 4th alarm fire 8-10-11 Rieter Automotive Beecher FD Truck 405

Two elevated master streams work at the Rieter Automotive property in Lowell, Indiana on August 10, 2011. photographer unknown

Lowell Indiana 4th alarm fire 8-10-11 Rieter Automotive Beecher FD Truck 405

A firefighter from Beecher, IL rests at the tip of Beecher Truck 405's ladder directing water on the massive fire. photographer unknown


Lowell Indiana 4th alarm fire 8-10-11 Rieter Automotive Beecher FD Truck 405

Another shot showing Beecher and Lowell Fire Department aerials working. photographer unknown


Lowell Indiana 4th alarm fire 8-10-11 Rieter Automotive Beecher FD Truck 405

A fire ball appears to erupt directly beneath the Beecher firefighter working the master stream, although there is quite a bit of space between them. photographer unknown


Lowell Indiana 4th alarm fire 8-10-11 Rieter Automotive Beecher FD Truck 405

As the dynamics of the fire change, the firefighter redirects the master stream. photographer unknown

Lowell Indiana 4th alarm fire 8-10-11 Rieter Automotive Beecher FD Truck 405

Heavy fire burns through the roof of what was the Rieter Automotive facility in Lowell, Indiana on August 10, 2011. photographer unknown

Lowell Indiana 4th alarm fire 8-10-11 Rieter Automotive Beecher FD Truck 405

Beecher Truck 405 was flowing water for 10 hours at the scene in Lowell, Indiana. photographer unknown

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Bloomingdale has been added to the site

Bloomingdale Fire Protection District No. 1 headquarters fire station 1

Bloomingdale Fire Station 1 on Bloomingdale Road houses the fire department headquarters and the emergency dispatch center. Larry Shapiro photo

The Bloomingdale Fire Protection District No 1 in MABAS Division 12 has been added to the site. Bloomingdale has three stations though one is strictly used for storage. Station 2 at 6N480 Keeney Road (which has a Roselle address) was originally part of the Keeneyville Fire District. This station has two spare engines and an out-of-service ambulance which may be converted to a dive unit.

Bloomingdale Fire Department ambulance

This out-of-service ambulance might be converted into a newer dive unit to replace Dive 9 which is assigned a 1997 Freightliner FL50/Medtec. Larry Shapiro photo

Bloomingdale has their own dispatch center in the basement of Station 1 which serves Bloomingdale in addition to the Elk Grove Township Fire Protection District and theItasca Fire Protection District.

Bloomingdale runs a fleet of Pierce apparatus which includes a tower ladder and three engines on a Lance chassis, one engine on an Enforcer chassis, and an engine on a Quantum chassis. They have on order a 2,000-gallon pumper/tanker on a Velocity chassis which is due this year. The two in-service ambulances as well as the Dive Squad all feature boxes built by Horton.

Bloomingdale Fire Protection District Engine 1 Pierce Quantum

The newest engine in Bloomingdale is this 2005 Pierce Quantum assigned to Engine 1. John Tulipano photo

Prior to becoming a Pierce customer, Bloomingdale was exclusively a Pirsch customer for many years. In 1981, they received the last engine on a custom Pirsch chassis that matched two engines and a 1972 85′ mid-ship quint.

Bloomingdale Fire Protection District 1981 Pirsch custom pumper

In 1981, Bloomingdale Engine 2 featured the last custom cab built by hand at the Pirsch factory in Kenosha. From this point forward, Pirsch purchased stock cabs from Truck Cab Manufacturers (TCM) and applied a trim package to make their appearance unique to Pirsch products. Larry Shapiro collection

Bloomingdale Fire Protection District custom Pirsch mid-mount quint

Bloomingdale Truck 4 was built in 1972 to match one Pirsch engine already in the Bloomingdale fleet complete with the edge warning lights. They would later have a total of four matching custom Pirsch units. Larry Shapiro collection

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Highland Park site updates

Karl Klotz submitted photos to update Highland Park Station 34. He submitted an updated shot of the engine and an image of the Dive Unit which had been missing from the site.

Highland Park Fire Department Dive UNit 34

Now that theses updates have been made to Station 34, there has been a temporary reassignment of units. Truck 33, the 1995 Sutphen 104′ mid-mount quint has been relocated for a trial period to Station 34 on the north end of town. Engine 34 switched with the truck and is operating out of Station 33.

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Central Stickney FPD has been added to the site

Central Stickney Fire Protection District station

The Central Stickney FPD station at 4951 S. Lotus. Larry Shapiro photo

Central Stickney FPD patchIn MABAS Division 21, the Central Stickney Fire Protection District has now been added to the site. Central Stickney has one station which is staffed by part-time personnel. They have two ambulances, a pair of twin Pierce Enforcer engines, the first Simon-Duplex/LTI 75′ rear-mount tower ladder, and a pickup that is used by their battalion chief.  Located near Midway Airport, Central Stickney has a five square mile district which includes a portion of I-55 (the Stevenson Expressway) and a large industrial park.

Central Stickney Fire Protection District Pierce Enforcer

Engine 905 is one of two 2004 Pierce Enforcer engines. Larry Shapiro photo

Central Stickney was featured in posts HERE and HERE in the last year working at extra alarm fires.

Prior to adopting a red and white paint scheme, the Central Stickney apparatus was all white. They used to run with FMC and Howe apparatus which is featured in the historic gallery that has also been posted depicting Central Stickney apparatus dating back to the 1970s.

Central Stickney Fire Protection District Duplex Howe Grove ladder

Central Stickeny used to run with this 1971 Duplex/Howe 1250/0 85' Grove ladder. Bill Friedrich photo

Central Stickney Fire Protection District Simon-Duplex LTI 75' tower ladder

Currently, Central Stickney operates the first 75' tower ladder made by LTI.

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Abbott Labs FD is added

Abbot Labs Fire Department Lake County ILAlthough the Abbott Labs Fire Department in Lake County (MABAS Division 4) runs out of two locations, they are responsible for roughly 37 facilities in Lake County. The department consists of 5 career personnel and 83 plant employees that are trained to respond in the event of an emergency. The Abbott Labs Fire Department shares space within Libertyville Station 3 (which is Abbott Labs Station 1) that is located at 13415 Atkinson Road, directly adjacent to the Abbott Park campus. Station 2 for Abbott is within the North Chicago campus along the lake front roughly 6 miles from the headquarters station.

This fire department has one engine and several support pieces which consist of vans and pickups. There is a new squad unit being outfitted at Station 1 which should go into service soon. It is a used Step-Van that will have equipment to support confined space and haz mat operations in addition to breathing air.

There is a small historic photo gallery for this department which includes their current engine on-scene at an extra alarm fire in Winthrop Harbor several years ago.

Abbott Labs Fire Department Lake County IL

Abbot Labs Fire Department Lake County IL

Engine 1510 (previously Engine 1110) in February of 2008 working at a fire in Winthrop Harbor. Larry Shapiro photo

Abbot Labs Fire Department Lake County IL Darley industrial pumper

Bill Friedrich photo

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New engine in Glenview

The Glenview Fire Department received two new 2010 engines from Pierce on Arrow XT chassis that were mentioned HERE. The new piece for Engine 6 has not yet gone into service as it is awaiting the installation of radios. Engine 7 received a new Pierce Arrow XT engine (sn 23701) and their previous Pierce Enforcer was reassigned as Engine 13 (sn 17393).

In a post from last July which can be found HERE, we mentioned that Glenview had ordered the two new engines on Arrow XT chassis and that one would match Engine 8, a Pierce Arrow XT with a rescue style body, and the other would have a body to match Engines 6 and 7, the standard pumper body.

Glenview Fire Department Pierce Arrow XT engine

Glenview Engine 7 a Pierce Arrow XT rescue/pumper which appears similar to Engine 8. Pierce photo

We posted this delivery photo from Pierce for Engine 7.

Glenview Fire Department Engine 7 2010 Pierce Arrow XT

Glenview recently put this 2010 Pierce Arrow XT into service as Engine 7. Larry Shapiro photo

This is a shot taken today of Glenview Engine 7, shown with the standard pumper body matching the two Pierce Enforcer engines owned by Glenview, not the rescue style body in the Pierce delivery photo.

Glenview Fire Department Engine 13 2006 Pierce Enforcer

Engine 13 on Glenview's east side received this 2006 Pierce Enforcer which was formerly assigned as Engine 7. Larry Shapiro photo

Engine 13 now runs this 2006 Pierce Enforcer that replaces a 1990 Pierce Lance engine which is to be disposed of.

Some of the outward differences between the new Arrow XT for Engine 7 and the older Enforcer include a painted steel bumper replacing the chrome bumper, barrier style short cab doors, a full LED light bar, and a longer hosebed with a flush rear body design. Note the chevron striping added to the chrome bumper on Engine 13. The new unit also has a 1,500-GPM pump and foam tanks with 10 and 40-gallon capacities instead of two 25-gallon tanks.

Glenview Fire Department Engine 7 Pierce Enforcer

Glenview Engine 7 (sn 17393) with the original chrome bumper before the chevron decals were applied.


Editor’s note: One other item which will be of interest to apparatus photographers and historians, is that the new units feature tags on the pump panel which depict the tank capacities of both the water and foam tanks. No more guessing as to these quantities which were one of the only rig specifications that was not labeled on apparatus to date. This is something that was prevalent on several units that were displayed last week at the FDIC trade show in Indianapolis. Perhaps this is a new trend for the fire apparatus manufacturers … a welcome one at that!

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Neighbors rescue occupant from mobile home fire in Glenview 4-1-11

Neighbors pull woman from burning mobile home in Glenview

Glenview Engine 13 and Truck 14 are deployed on one of the narrow streets in the Sunset Village Mobile Home Park. A long lead out for a supply line is visible running down the street. Tim Olk photo

After 2PM today, the Glenview Fire Department received calls for a mobile home fire at Sunset Village on Waukegan Road. Firefighters arrived to find a double-wide mobile home well involved in fire. According to the Chicago Tribune:

A woman in her 50s was rescued from the home after sustaining smoke inhalation and burns, and she was taken to Advocate Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge where her condition had stabilized, Globerger said. Her injuries did not appear life-threatening, he said. Firefighters later found that two cats died inside the home.


Glenview Fire Department mobile home fire resident injured 2 cats died

Glenview firefighters prepare to enter the home to perform overhaul after the fire was knocked down. Tim Olk photo

Glenview was assisted by Northfield and Morton Grove at the fire scene. The Tribune has an article HERE, and the Sun-Times Media, Pioneer Press article is HERE which includes the following:

A woman who fell asleep while smoking suffered burns and smoke inhalation Friday afternoon in a fire that damaged her home on the 00-100 block of South Branch in the Sunset Village mobile home park, fire officials said.

A neighbor and his cousin pulled the woman from the home after she collapsed while searching for her cats.

Glenview Fire Chief Wayne Globerger said firefighters didn’t bother trying to hook fire hoses to the undersized hydrants along South Branch. They began pumping water from two fire trucks and laid another line about 800 feet to a hydrant in the Valley Lo subdivision directly south of Sunset Village.

“Because of where (the fire) was at, I get an extra engine from Glenview and an extra engine from Northfield just for the water and the manpower,” Globerger said. “We have (area hydrants) all mapped and we know where to break the fence … until we get some water someday” in Sunset Village.

Tim Olk submitted several images from the scene.

Glenview Fire Department mobile home fire resident injured 2 cats died

Northfield firefighters work in the rear of the mobile home after the fire was knocked down. Tim Olk photo

Neighbors pull woman from burning mobile home in Glenview

Northfield Deputy Chief Tom Burke takes a break from pulling ceiling to change his bottle. Tim Olk photo

Neighbors pull woman from burning mobile home in Glenview

A Glenview firefighter washes down portions of the trailer's interior during the overhaul phase. Tim Olk photo



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Evanston 3-11 on 3-15-11

Last week Evanston had a 2-11 alarm fire on Oak Street. The fire was in a victorian mansion that was currently undergoing rehab work. The building was to house a clock and stained glass  museum. The TribLocal has a story HERE, the Tribune HERE, and a short video is HERE.

A link to the audio from the fire is HERE.

Evanston Fire Department 3-11 museum fire 3-15-11

Evanston Truck 22, a Pierce TDA operates in the 'A' Sector at the fire on Oak Street. Steve Redick photo

Steve Redick submitted several images from the scene and has posted a gallery of images HERE.

Evanston Fire Department 3-11 alarm house fire Oak Street

Panoramic view of the fire scene at Evanston's 3-11 alarm on Oak Street. Steve Redick photo

This video posted on YouTube was taken by a neighbor.


Evanston Fire Department 3-11 museum fire 3-15-11

Evanston Engine 23, the newest unit in their fleet, pumps in the alley behind the fire building. Steve Redick photo

Evanston Fire Department 3-11 museum fire 3-15-11

Evanston Truck 23, also a Pierce TDA laddered the exposure building which was evacuated due to the heavy smoke from the fire. Steve Redick photo

Evanston Fire Department 3-11 museum fire 3-15-11

A view from down the street shows the fire building next to the five-story building to the south. Engine 24 is pumping in the foreground. Steve Redick photo

Evanston Fire Department 3-11 museum fire 3-15-11

The fire produced a tremendous amount of smoke which hampered visibility and created problems for the exposure building to the south. Steve Redick photo

Evanston Fire Department 3-11 museum fire 3-15-11

Evanston Engine 22 had a hydrant at the end of the block. Steve Redick photo

Evanston Fire Department 3-11 museum fire 3-15-11

Engine 22 is a 2003 Pierce Dash with a 1,500-GPM pump. Steve Redick photo


Evanston Fire Department 3-11 museum fire 3-15-11 Glenview Engine 6

Glenview Engine 6 is staged down the block from the fire building. Steve Redick photo

Evanston Fire Department 3-11 museum fire 3-15-11 Morton Grove Squad 4

Morton Grove Squad 4 was due on the Box Alarm. Steve Redick photo

Evanston Fire Department 3-11 museum fire 3-15-11 DesPlaines Tower 81

Tower 81 from DesPlaines was also parked in the staging area while the company worked at the scene. Steve Redick photo

Evanston Fire Department 3-11 museum fire 3-15-11 Winnetka Engine 28

Winnetka Engine 28 was in staging as well. This unit recently returned from having some work done which included a new door seal, new graphics, and a new black paint job for the roof. Steve Redick photo

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Lincolnwood 2-11 Alarm house fire 2-14-11

Lincolnwood Fire Department house fire St Louis 2-14-11

A basement fire at 6531 St. Louis in Lincolnwood burned for several hours on Monday causing major damage to this modern home. Larry Shapiro photo

The Lincolnwood Fire Department responded to smoke in the basement at 6531 St. Louis this afternoon and discovered a basement fire in a large two-story brick home. They were unable to extinguish the fire and upgraded the incident to a MABAS Box Alarm and then again to a 2nd Alarm bringing companies from Skokie, Evanston, Morton Grove, Niles, Northfield, Wilmette, Glenview, Northbrook, Highwood, DesPlaines, plus Chicago Squad 2 and Chicago Engine 79.

Lincolnwood Fire Department house fire St Louis 2-14-11

Firefighters used the window wells and then breached the brick walls for access to the basement so they could direct water onto the fire. Larry Shapiro photo

The basement reportedly had a 9-foot ceiling and proved difficult to access. After companies went defensive, they initially accessed the basement with hand lines through the window wells. Later they breached the brick exterior in several places for better access to the basement with the ability to direct the lines with accuracy although the number of partitioned spaces made access that much more difficult. As the first floor gave way in several locations, this allowed additional access to the basement. As the basement filled with water, the fire continued to burn among the floor joists. This made hitting the varioius fires extremely difficult.

Lincolnwood Fire Department house fire St Louis 2-14-11

Several of the areas that were breached in the 'B Sector' are visible here. Larry Shapiro photo

Lincolnwood Fire Department house fire St Louis 2-14-11

Glenview Engine 6 dropped over 600' of 5-inch hose and tagged a hydrant at the south end of the block. Larry Shapiro photo

Thick smoke permeated through the entire house and an elevated master stream from Skokie Truck 16 was deployed for a short time into the second floor. Lincolnwood’s soon to be replaced Pierce aerial was also deployed at this fire which may prove to be its’ last.

Chicago Squad 2 and the 10th Battalion were due on the box and Engine 79 came in on the 2nd alarm. Although command began releasing companies around 7PM, several mutual aid companies remained working at the scene until after 10PM.

One firefighter was injured at the scene and transported to the hospital, his condition was unknown when this post was written.

Lincolnwood Fire Department house fire St Louis 2-14-11

Firefighters watch as a member of Chicago Squad 2 cuts through a section of the living room floor to gain access to another room in the basement. Larry Shapiro photo

Tim Olk and Larry Shapiro took in this fire. A gallery of images by Larry Shapiro can be seen HERE along with a video. Tim’s photos can be viewed HERE.

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