From Brent Saba:
I have one of the largest Chicago fire patch collections. Thought I’d share
Dec 31
Posted by Admin in Collectors of fire memorabilia, Patch, Reader submission | 1 Comment
From Brent Saba:
I have one of the largest Chicago fire patch collections. Thought I’d share
Tags: Brent Saba, CFD company patches, Chicago Fire Department patches, fire company patches
This from Asher Heimermann:
I have collected 65 shoulder patches from Illinois fire departments. To view the patches, click:
In addition to patches from fire departments around Illinois, I’ve obtained 42 patches from CFD stations and divisions. To view those patches, click:
Tags: Asher Heimermann, CFD company patches, Chicago Fire Department patches, fire company patches, fire department patches
Mar 25
Posted by Admin in Collectors of fire memorabilia, Patch | Comments off
This from Alex Alexandrovski…
It’s been some time since my last post, but luck wasn’t on my side chasing CFD company patches.However, I did manage to pick up a mystery patch recently. It is from an Ambulance 30.
To my knowledge there are only two units in the US that are designated Ambulance 30 – one in Chicago and the other one in Washington DC. It doesn’t look like the DCFD would make a separate patch for an Ambulance (Medic unit is their first line of defence), but I’m trying to verify that as well.Do you know if somebody could confirm whether the above patch is from Chicago FD or not? Any help will be greatly appreciated.Stay safeAlex
Tags: Alex Alexandrovski, CFD company patches, fire company patches, fire department patch
Here are two new CFD company logos produced by
New company logo for CFD Engine 1, Truck 1, and Ambulance 41
New company logo for CFD Engine 50, Truck 18, and Ambulance 1
Tags: Chicago FD Ambulance 1, Chicago FD Ambulance 41, Chicago FD Engine 1, Chicago FD Engine 50, Chicago FD T18, Chicago FD Truck 1, Chicago Fire Department, fire company artwork, fire company logo, fire company patches,,
Nov 9
Posted by Admin in Patch, Site News, updated listing | Comments off
We have recently received an influx of fire department patches to add to listings on the site. The following department patches have now been added:
Tags: Clarendon Hills Fire Department, East Joliet Fire Department, Elk Grove Village Fire Department, Elmhurst Fire Department, fire company patches, fire department patch, fire department patches, Frankfort Fire Protection District, Garden Homes Fire Protection District, Garden Homes Volunteer Fire Department, Greater Round Lake Fire Protection District, Hinsdale Fire Department, Hoffman Estates Fire Department, Homewood Fire Department, Lemont Fire Department, Lemont Fire Protection District, Matteson Fire Department, McHenry Township Fire Protection District, Midlothian Fire Department, Oak Forest Fire Department, Oak Lawn FIre Department, Posen Fire Department, Round Lake Fire Department
Sep 30
Posted by bgshap in Fire Service News, Patch, Reader submission, updated listing | 5 Comments
Thanks to Josh Boyajian for submitting several CFD company patches that were missing from the site.
Here are 4 new CFD patches I have collected in the past month that are missing from the site! Also here is a picture of my Chicago patch collection that I have. Hope you like! Thanks,
The following patches have been added:
Josh Boyajian’s collection of Chicago Fire Department company patches.
one of the new company patches added to the site
Tags: CFD company patches, CFD patches, Chicago Engien 74, Chicago Engine 101, Chicago Engine 65, Chicago Engine 89, Chicago Fire Department, Chicago Fire Department patches, fire company patches, fire department patches, Josh Boyajian
Jul 30
Posted by bgshap in Fire Department News, New Listing, Patch | 4 Comments
Bloomingdale Fire Station 1 on Bloomingdale Road houses the fire department headquarters and the emergency dispatch center. Larry Shapiro photo
The Bloomingdale Fire Protection District No 1 in MABAS Division 12 has been added to the site. Bloomingdale has three stations though one is strictly used for storage. Station 2 at 6N480 Keeney Road (which has a Roselle address) was originally part of the Keeneyville Fire District. This station has two spare engines and an out-of-service ambulance which may be converted to a dive unit.
This out-of-service ambulance might be converted into a newer dive unit to replace Dive 9 which is assigned a 1997 Freightliner FL50/Medtec. Larry Shapiro photo
Bloomingdale has their own dispatch center in the basement of Station 1 which serves Bloomingdale in addition to the Elk Grove Township Fire Protection District and theItasca Fire Protection District.
Bloomingdale runs a fleet of Pierce apparatus which includes a tower ladder and three engines on a Lance chassis, one engine on an Enforcer chassis, and an engine on a Quantum chassis. They have on order a 2,000-gallon pumper/tanker on a Velocity chassis which is due this year. The two in-service ambulances as well as the Dive Squad all feature boxes built by Horton.
The newest engine in Bloomingdale is this 2005 Pierce Quantum assigned to Engine 1. John Tulipano photo
Prior to becoming a Pierce customer, Bloomingdale was exclusively a Pirsch customer for many years. In 1981, they received the last engine on a custom Pirsch chassis that matched two engines and a 1972 85′ mid-ship quint.
In 1981, Bloomingdale Engine 2 featured the last custom cab built by hand at the Pirsch factory in Kenosha. From this point forward, Pirsch purchased stock cabs from Truck Cab Manufacturers (TCM) and applied a trim package to make their appearance unique to Pirsch products. Larry Shapiro collection
Bloomingdale Truck 4 was built in 1972 to match one Pirsch engine already in the Bloomingdale fleet complete with the edge warning lights. They would later have a total of four matching custom Pirsch units. Larry Shapiro collection
Tags: Bill Friedrich, Bloomingdale 9-1-1 Dispatch Center, Bloomingdale FPD patch, Bloomingdlae Fire Protection District, Elk Grove Township Fire Protection District, fire company patches, fire department patch, Horton ambulance, Itasca Fire Protection District, Keeneyville Fire Protection District, Larry Shapiro, MABAS Division 12, Peter Pirsch & Sons, Pierce Enforcer, Pierce Lance, Pierce Manufacturing, Pierce Quantum, Pierce tower ladder, Pirsch custom engine, Pirsch mid-ship quint
Mar 9
Posted by bgshap in Fire Department History, Fire Department News, Patch, Reader submission | Comments off
The last batch of patches from the collection of Alexander Alexandrovski for the 5th District are for companies in the 19th and 20th Battalions. Engine 116’s house has several patches between the engine and Squad 5, so there is a separate page to display them.
Engine Company 129, Truck Company 50, Ambulance 30
Tags: Alexander Alexandrovski, CFD company patches, Chicago Ambulance 30, Chicago Engine 116, Chicago Engine 120, Chicago Engine 123, Chicago Engine 50, Chicago Fire Department, Chicago Fire Department 5th District, Chicago Fire Department patches, Chicago Squad 5, Chicago Truck 50, fire company patches
Mar 4
Posted by bgshap in Fire Department History, Fire Department News, Patch, Reader submission, updated listing | Comments off
The last batch of patches added to the 1st District are in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Battalions. In some cases, more than one was added to a particular house, although they’re not all shown here. For example, following the link to Engine 22 will show patches added for 5-1-1 as well. The same goes for Truck 7 where a patch was also added for Engine 26. These patches were submitted from the collection of Alexander Alexandrovski.
Engine Company 19, Truck Company 11, Ambulance 4
Tags: Alexander Alexandrovski, CFD company patches, Chicago Ambulance 4, Chicago Engine 19, Chicago Engine 22, Chicago Engine 30, Chicago Engine 4, Chicago Fire Department, Chicago Fire Department patches, Chicago Tower 10, Chicago Truck 11, Chicago Truck 7, fire company patches
Mar 2
Posted by bgshap in Fire Department History, Fire Department News, Patch, Reader submission, updated listing | Comments off
More than ten patches were added to the 1st District. The five shown here represent companies in the 1st and 2nd Battalions. A few of these houses have others that have been added as well. In addition to the 6-8-7 patch, Engine 13 has a patch in the same house. There are three variations of the patch for Engine 16, and another version of the patch for Squad 1. All images were submitted by Alexander Alexandrovski.
Engine Company 8, Truck Company 4, Ambulance 85, Battalion 2
Tags: Alexander Alexandrovski, CFD company patches, Chicago 6-8-7, Chicago Ambulance 85, Chicago Battalion 2, Chicago Engine 16, Chicago Engine 98, Chicago Engine8, Chicago Fire Department, Chicago Fire Department patches, Chicago Squad 1, Chicago Truck 4, fire company patches
For the finest department portraits and composites contact Tim Olk or Larry Shapiro.
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