This from Jeff Rudolph:
09/06/16 Gurnee,IL
MABAS Wildland box for the brush fire along the Bittersweet Golf Course
Jeff Rudolph

Jeff Rudolph photo

Jeff Rudolph photo

Jeff Rudolph photo

Jeff Rudolph photo

Jeff Rudolph photo
This from Jeff Rudolph:
09/06/16 Gurnee,IL
MABAS Wildland box for the brush fire along the Bittersweet Golf Course
Jeff Rudolph
Jeff Rudolph photo
Jeff Rudolph photo
Jeff Rudolph photo
Jeff Rudolph photo
Jeff Rudolph photo
Tags: Barrington & Countryside Fire Protection District, Bittersweet Golf Course grass fire, fire scene photos, Gurnee Fire Department, Jeff Rudolph, Newport Township Fire Protection District, wildland box alarm in Gurnee
Jul 12
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News, Fire Truck photos, New Delivery | 1 Comment
This from Jeff Rudolph:
Newport FPD, Wadsworth, IL took delivery this spring of a Rosenbauer demo unit.Engine 1411 – 2013 Rosenbauer Commander 1500/1000/40AJeff Rudolph
Newport FPD, Wadsworth, IL took delivery this spring of a Rosenbauer demo unit.
Engine 1411 – 2013 Rosenbauer Commander 1500/1000/40A. Jeff Rudolph photo
Tags: Chicago Fire Department Academy gets new engine, fire engine photo, Jeff Rudolph, Newport Township Fire Protection District, Rosenbauer Commander chassis
Excerpts from the
The Newport Township Fire Protection District is again seeking a tax increase to upgrade equipment.
A referendum on the March 15 ballot will ask for .132 cents for every $100 of a home’s assessed market value — the same proposal that was defeated last year when it got only 44 percent of the vote. If the referendum passes, a person with a home valued at $100,000 would pay $43.75 per year to the district, Newport Fire Chief Mark Kirchhoffer said.
The chief said taxes have not been raised for the fire district in 23 years and the money is needed to replace equipment. He said home values in the township have dropped from $268,807,724 in 2009 to $188,752,091 in 2015, which means less revenue generated through taxes. That loss of about $80 million in taxable value has left the Newport Fire District with about $1.25 million in tax revenue and a $1.9 million budget.
Tags: Newport Fire Chief Mark Kirchhoffer, Newport Township Fire Protection District
Jul 4
Posted by Admin in Apparatus on-scene, Fire Scene photos | Comments off
The Newport Township FPD went to a 2nd alarm for a house fire at 38800 Red Oak Terrace this afternoon in Wadsworth.
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
Larry Shapiro photo
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Tags: 2-Alarm church fire in Island Lake, female firefighter on ladder at fire scene, fire engine drafting from portable tank, firefighters salvage guitars from house fire, fireman uses saw to cut roof, firemen working at fire scene, house damaged by fire, house fire in Wadsworth IL, Larry Shapiro, LDH at fire scene, long hose lay at fire scene, Mack MC Salisbury heavy rescue squad, Newport Township Fire Protection District, portable water tank on the ground
Apr 8
Posted by Admin in Fire Department News | 2 Comments
Excerpts from the
Antioch: Reversing course from November’s failed referendum for a new property tax to fund ambulances services, 57 percent of voters in the village of Antioch responded Tuesday with votes in favor, according to unofficial results from the Lake County Clerk’s Office.
In Antioch Township, however, voting on a related ambulance services ballot question remained nearly deadlocked after 10 p.m., with “yes” votes holding 50.2 percent of the 1,726 ballots counted. All precincts were in and early votes counted, with only provisional ballots and late-arriving votes by mail unaccounted for, according to the clerk’s office. Official totals were not expected Tuesday night.
The separate referendum questions for unincorporated residents and village residents asked taxpayers to approve a .25-cent ambulance tax that would cost the owner of a home with a market value of $100,000 just over $84 a year. The need for ambulance services is the result of the Antioch Rescue Squad disbanding.
Fox Lake: Voters were asked to approve a tax for ambulance services, and in unincorporated Fox Lake they voted at a 65 percent clip in favor of the ballot question, according to unofficial results with all 16 precincts reporting.
Officials said the funds will help the Fox Lake Fire Protection District upgrade equipment, such as breathing apparatus, and tools. The district also has a fire engine and tanker truck beyond maximum age recommended by the National Fire Protection Association Standards.
Newport Township FPD: According to unofficial vote totals, the Newport Township Fire Protection District did not garner enough votes to raise its ambulance tax rate.
With all five precincts counted, 56 percent of voters cast ballots against the measure.
The district was seeking to raise its tax rate .132 cents per $100 of assessed valuation to help fund the replacement of aging equipment after the district used reserve funds to build a second fire station.
Tags: Antioch FIre Department, Antioch First Fire District, Antioch seeks tax levy for EMS, Fox Lake Fire Department, Fox Lake Fire Protection District, Fox Lake FPD seeks tax levy increase, Fox Lake FPD to seek tax increase, Newport Township Fire Protection District
Feb 11
Posted by Admin in Fire Service News | Comments off
Excerpts from a Daily Herald article:
Stone Park Fire Chief Michael Paige received a gift last year when the Antioch Rescue Squad (ARS) offered to give his department a used ambulance stocked with medical supplies.
In all, the squad gave three ambulances to agencies outside its home base in Antioch and Antioch Township, yet denied a request for a similar donation to the nearby Antioch Fire Department. Rescue squad leaders initially approved the request in March 2014 but rescinded it a month later, Antioch fire officials said, and forced them to spend $69,000 in taxpayer money to buy and equip a used ambulance.
Those squad ambulances and lifesaving equipment were originally purchased, in part, with donations from Antioch-area residents and groups, Antioch Fire Department Chief John Nixon said, and they should have been made available to benefit rescue services close to home.”Because we didn’t see one dime from (the ARS), we had to spend taxpayer money to bring in ambulances and equipment to operate and protect the residents of Antioch and Antioch Township.”
Antioch Rescue Squad Chief Brian DeKind and President Todd Thommes did not respond to numerous requests for interviews on the matter.
However, officials with the First Fire Protection District of Antioch think the reason behind the choice of ambulance recipients may stem from the 75-year-old volunteer organization not being offered a contract to provide rescue services — a job now being handled by the Antioch Fire Department.
The Antioch Fire Department handles fire and rescue services in Antioch and Antioch Township. It is funded by and receives oversight from the village of Antioch, Antioch Township, and the First Fire Protection District of Antioch.
DeKind never provided a specific reason for rejecting the donation request, fire district Administrator Ted Jozefiak said, but he believes it’s because the squad was “upset for not having them as a service provider. I asked him if we could have an ambulance, and he said ‘yes … he called later and said the membership of the rescue squad voted against it. They didn’t give us anything.”
Antioch-area fire and rescue relationships began to sour in 2012 after three female Antioch Rescue Squad members named several squad members and high-ranking officials in a sexual harassment lawsuit. A subsequent Illinois Department of Public Health investigation found squad members mistreated patients, abused medications and allowed employees to begin shifts within hours of excessively drinking alcohol.
A short time later, a former squad treasurer was charged with theft of more than $10,000 and pleaded guilty. Former Antioch Rescue Squad Chief Wayne Sobczak retired, and squad President Steve Smouse stepped down soon after.
DeKind and Thommes took over, but the squad parted ways with the village of Antioch in May 2013 when the two sides couldn’t come to terms on a long-term contract. The fire department initially hired an ambulance contractor to handle emergency calls, Nixon said, but it started purchasing ambulances and supplies to bring ambulance service in house.
The squad continued to serve township residents for a year until the fire protection district board did not renew its contract in May 2014. The board decided to contract rescue services with the fire department in order to consolidate all village and township fire and rescue services under one agency.
No longer needed, the squad ambulances and equipment were donated to the Lake County High Schools Technology Campus in Grayslake and the Newport Township Fire Protection District in Wadsworth, in addition to Stone Park’s fire department in Cook County.
Derrick Burress, principal of the tech campus, said squad leaders offered a used ambulance worth $15,000 for teaching purposes April 17. It was approved by the tech campus board May 2, Burress said. “It’s truly a great educational tool for students here,” Burress said. “It’s used every day to train EMS students in Lake County, including students from Antioch.”
Stone Park’s Paige said his department received the former squad ambulance in late spring or early summer through a Stone Park commander and a lieutenant, who also were Antioch Rescue Squad volunteers. Paige said the $10,000 ambulance had more than 100,000 miles on it, but was stocked with emergency supplies, including health service packs and a cot.
Mark Kirschhoffer, chief of Newport fire district, said he was contacted by a squad member and asked if he “could use another ambulance.” Kirschhoffer said the 2007 Road Rescue ambulance — worth about $15,000 — is a back up to the district fleet of ambulances. “I told Chief Nixon in Antioch they can certainly use it should anything happen and they need one,” Kirschhoffer said.
Nixon said it takes about four ambulances to serve residents in Antioch and Antioch Township. Three serve as primary rescue vehicles and one is used as a reserve.
The fire department purchased and stocked two ambulances for use in the village of Antioch in 2013. A used ambulance was donated by the Antioch Firefighters Association in February 2014, and another used ambulance was purchased in May.
Nixon said the Antioch village board and fire district paid about $157,000 to buy and stock all four ambulances to get the rescue service up and running. The overall cost was $232,000, minus the $20,000 firefighters association donation and $55,000 from a state-controlled insurance fund.
“You have to stock it with supplies like life packs and defibrillators and things like that. Had the ARS donated their ambulances to us, we wouldn’t have needed to spend the money to get the vintage ones up and running. As a result of the ARS’ decision, we had to use taxpayer money to purchase and stock a fourth ambulance,” Nixon said. “They had the opportunity to donate items to us, but they chose not to.”
Tags: Antioch FIre Department, Antioch Fire Department Chief John Nixon, Antioch Rescue Squad, Antioch Rescue Squad Chief Brian DeKind, Antioch Rescue Squad gives equipment to area departments outside Antioch, First Fire Protection District of Antioch, Newport Township Fire Protection District, Stone Park Fire Chief Michael Paige, Stone Park Fire Department
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