This from Max Weingardt:
Highland Park MVA Northbound route 41 5/11/21
May 15
Posted by Admin in Ambulance photos, Crash scene photos | Comments off
This from Max Weingardt:
Highland Park MVA Northbound route 41 5/11/21
Tags: crash scene in Highland Park, Highland Park FD Ambulance 32, Highland Park FD Squad 33, Highland Park Fire Department, Max Weingardt
This from Max Weingardt:
Winnetka working Fire last night at 811 Elm
Tags: Glencoe FD Engine 30, Glenview FD Truck 14, Highland Park FD Ambulance 32, Highland Park FD Engine 32, Max Weingardt, Northfield FD Squad 29, Winnetka FD Engine 28, Winnetka Fire Department
This from Max Weingardt:
Higland Park code 4 at 734 Central Ave 6/6/19
Tags: Deerfield-Bannockburn FPD Truck 20, Highland Park FD Ambulance 32, Highland Park FD apparatus, Highland Park FD Battalion 33, Highland Park FD Engine 34, Highland Park Fire Department, Lincolnshire-Riverwoods FPD Ambulance 52, Max Weingardt
This from Max Weingardt,
The incident was at 2773 Skokie Valley Road in Highland Park. A private ambulance caught fire.
Tags: ambulance fire in Highland park, Firefighters extinguish fire in an ambulance, Highland Park FD Ambulance 32, Highland Park Fire Department, Lake Forest FD fire engine, Max Weingardt
This from Max Weingardt:
Highland Park MVA Wednesday afternoon at second st & Laurel Ave
Tags: car crash in Highland Park, Highland Park FD Ambulance 32, Highland Park FD Engine 32, Highland Park Fire Department, Max Weingardt
This from Max Weingardt:
Car rollover at 143 Skokie Valley RD around 4:00
Tags: Highland Park FD Ambulance 32, Highland Park FD Squad 33, Highland Park Fire Department, Max Weingardt, rollover crash in Highland Park
Aug 15
Posted by Admin in Ambulance photos, Fire Department News, New Apparatus Order | 3 Comments
From the FosterCoachSales Facebook page:
Brand new custom Horton conversion on a Ford F450 chassis.
Tags: ambulance photos, Foster Coach Sales, Highland Park FD Ambulance 32, Highland Park Fire Department, Horton Type I ambulance, new ambulance for Highland Park
For the finest department portraits and composites contact Tim Olk or Larry Shapiro.
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