This from Drew Gresik:
The 18th Battalion battled a working fire in a red-X building at 3849 on Flournoy. Chicago Police helicopter ‘PH1’ called it in on the Zone and reported that there was a house on fire and it was really cooking. Engine 95 deck-gunned it on arrival as they had heavy fire showing from the 2, and then companies led out (2) 2.5” lines while performing an exterior attack. A third line was led out as Squad 1’s Snorkel was set up and flowing water in the vacant lot on Side D.Drew Gresik
#1 by MABAS 21 on June 12, 2017 - 8:02 PM
Do any of you members assigned to the squads have opinions on these new snorkels? How are they working out? We haven’t heard anything about agility, design, performance and limitations.
#2 by Michael M on June 12, 2017 - 7:30 PM
Good to know that all 3 of the city snorkels have had a working fire since they were placed in service. Nice shot of the crew working in the bucket of Squad 1A!
#3 by Marty Coyne on June 12, 2017 - 8:09 AM
All three of the new city based snorkels have now been flowed water at a fire scene.