The Daily Herald has an article about an unusual turn of events surrounding the purchase of a new ambulance in Des Plaines:
Des Plaines was set to become one of only a handful of suburban municipalities with a vertical exhaust ambulance, which city council supporters say is safer than the current fleet of vehicles that releases harmful diesel fumes at ground level near firefighters and the public.
Others, including Des Plaines Fire Chief Alan Wax and Mayor Matt Bogusz, say purchasing an ambulance with a vertical exhaust system may have been trying to fix a problem that doesn’t exist. That’s why Bogusz asked the council Monday to rescind the purchase., [and] cast the deciding vote, breaking the council’s 4-4 tie, and officially rescinding the ambulance purchase.
Fifth Ward Alderman Jim Brookman, a retired Des Plaines firefighter who pushed for the vertical exhaust ambulance purchase, said he doesn’t recall a Des Plaines mayor ever pushing for a resolution to rescind a previous council vote. “I think the motion to rescind was improper and illegal,” said Brookman, who promised to ask the Office of the Illinois Attorney General for an opinion on the matter.
“It’s my belief this is a solution in search for a problem,” Bogusz said. “It’s not a policy decision. It’s an operational decision. I believe this body needs to work to stick a little bit closer to policy.”
Though the council approved the purchase March 3, fire department officials didn’t make the purchase.
The fire chief said he believes there isn’t a problem with the current horizontal exhaust ambulance fleet, since new vehicle emission standards disperse fumes quicker than before. Fire department officials surveyed 40 nearby communities — two of which, Evanston and Winnetka, had vertical exhaust ambulances. Wax said ambulance manufacturers interviewed by the Northwest Municipal Conference Suburban Purchasing Cooperative report selling and making few ambulances with vertical exhaust systems.
Brookman said Des Plaines needed to go “above and beyond” to protect firefighters and the public who could be harmed by exposure to diesel fumes from idling vehicles. He cited health studies from the World Health Organization that show diesel fumes contribute to cancer risk. At the March 3 council meeting, Brookman became emotional when talking about Des Plaines firefighters he knew who died of cancer, including his best friend.
It would only cost an extra $1,500 to put a vertical exhaust system on an ambulance, but would cost $75,000 to add a vertical exhaust capture system in fire stations.
On Monday, Brookman and Wax engaged in a heated back-and-forth dialogue about whether there was a problem with the current fleet of ambulances, which give off emissions from tailpipes at the back of vehicles.
“I was on the ambulance for 15 years of my 30 years on the job,” Brookman said. “There’s no way to be on the ambulance and not breathe diesel fumes that are pumped out of the side of the ambulance. It’s impossible. I don’t understand how you can say there is not a problem.”
Wax said he didn’t have any evidence to suggest fumes were making their way into ambulances.
“It does go in the back because I’ve been on the rig,” Brookman responded, “and I know when you open the doors, the air goes inside, and if there’s diesel fumes all around the rig, it goes in. There’s no way for it not to happen.”
“I don’t know there are diesel fumes all around the rig,” Wax countered.
“If they’re pumped out the side of the rig, where the hell do they go?” Brookman said.
“They dissipate into the air. They go whatever direction the wind is going,” Wax said.
“They come up from the ground and you breathe them if you’re standing in the fumes. I’ve been on thousands of calls and so have you,” Brookman told Wax. “I don’t get it. They’re breathing diesel fumes. The public is breathing them and so are the firefighters. How in the world can you say they’re not breathing diesel fumes?”
Following the council’s rejection of the vertical exhaust ambulance, Bogusz asked aldermen to approve the $226,229 purchase of a horizontal exhaust ambulance. But 3rd Ward Alderman Denise Rodd’s motion to do so wasn’t seconded.
Wax said he will ask the council to approve an ambulance purchase at a time still to be determined. The department currently has five ambulances in service, and has been buying new ones as part of an annual replacement schedule.
thanks Dan
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#1 by Crabby Milton on March 24, 2014 - 6:10 AM
An old car buf had the best perspective on this when he said that you burn a mixture of petroleum and air and the environmental people expect rose pedals to come out of the tailpipe.
#2 by 0.02 on March 23, 2014 - 6:34 PM
The new clean diesels still put off carcinogens but not as much as the previous ones did. They still expel pollutants when they are cold started but when warmed up the carbon foot print is dramatically reduced. Why are you guys bagging on them. Someone though outside the box to try and keep their members safe from being consistently exposed to diesel exhaust.
#3 by Crabby Milton on March 23, 2014 - 12:03 PM
For crying out loud how many people are there that have no life and way too much time on their hands anyway? With these new generation clean diesels, they don’t stink at all and even if they did as traditional diesels, they are performing a life saving operation.
#4 by Alex on March 23, 2014 - 9:03 AM
#5 by fmddc1 on March 23, 2014 - 8:55 AM
What’s he gonna want next? Stacks on the engines? What about the fumes from the rigs that fill the jump seats and rest of the cab? Jesus Christ! Way,way too much time on their hands!
#6 by Dan on March 23, 2014 - 8:11 AM
Oh boo hoo, another anti diesel person. Well guess what, we all start our cars and let them run for 20 minutes in the driveway unnecessarily, and meanwhile the rest of the world sits at traffic lights breathing in car exhaust every day of their lives. These new ambulances barely have any particulates as it is with the DPFs. When I drove a diesel car for a number of years, I found the smell of gasoline to be repulsive, and yes it was very noticeable from every car around me, it’s just a matter of what you are accustomed to.