Of interest …
From the Upper Saddle River New Jersey FD Facebook page:
To All USR Residents:
If you have a young child with an upcoming birthday, please reach out to us. Our volunteers would like to offer a “drive-by celebration” for your kids that cannot properly celebrate their birthdays. We will drive past your home with a firetruck – lights, sirens and all! This service is free of charge, available only USR residents and there will be no person to person contact. We are currently accepting drive-by scheduling throughout April. Let’s get our community through this difficult time together!
#1 by harry on April 4, 2020 - 7:52 PM
bill most of the time because they just happen to be coming down my street but also because they like me
#2 by Bill on April 4, 2020 - 6:36 PM
Why do you get that service?
#3 by harry on April 4, 2020 - 2:28 PM
I kind of get that service already year-round when the fd and pd comes down my street they run the sirens nice and loud
but for someone with a bd that is extra special