To whom it may concern my name is Thomas Wells I collect patches as a hobby and would consider it a great honor and privilege to receive one of your departments beautiful chicago ohare arff patches for my collection. My address is 15 Venture Ln. Horseshoe Bend, Arkansas 72512. Thank you for your time and consideration on granting my request. Any patches I receive will be put in a binder made specifically for patches.
Thomas Wells
Archive for March 9th, 2020
A request for patches
Mar 9
Excerpts from
Evanston firefighters were called at 9:09 p.m. for a fire in a the single-family home in the 2200 block of Sherman Avenue Sunday night.
Firefighters arrived to find the south side of the house engulfed in flames with heavy smoke throughout. They removed a confused resident from the front doorway and rescued the family cat from inside the home.
The fire was extinguished within an hour. The resident was taken to a hospital in good condition. Two firefighters were also taken to hospitals with minor soft tissue injuries.
The cause of the fire remains under investigation.

Max Weingardt photo

Max Weingardt photo

Max Weingardt photo

Max Weingardt photo

Max Weingardt photo